701 lines
24 KiB

%{?scl_package:%global scl gcc-toolset-14}
%global scl_prefix gcc-toolset-14-
BuildRequires: scl-utils-build
%global __python /usr/bin/python3
%{?scl:%scl_package annobin}
Name: %{?scl_prefix}annobin
Summary: Annotate and examine compiled binary files
Version: 12.65
Release: 4%{?dist}
License: GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.0-or-later AND (GPL-2.0-or-later WITH GCC-exception-2.0) AND (LGPL-2.0-or-later WITH GCC-exception-2.0) AND GFDL-1.3-or-later
URL: https://sourceware.org/annobin/
# Maintainer: nickc@redhat.com
# Web Page: https://sourceware.org/annobin/
# Watermark Protocol: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Toolchain/Watermark
# Use "--without tests" to disable the testsuite.
%bcond_without tests
# Use "--without annocheck" to disable the installation of the annocheck program.
%bcond_without annocheck
# Use "--with debuginfod" to force support for debuginfod to be compiled into
# the annocheck program. By default the configure script will check for
# availablilty at build time, but this might not match the run time situation.
# FIXME: Add a --without debuginfod option to forcefully disable the configure
# time check for debuginfod support.
%bcond_with debuginfod
# Use "--without clangplugin" to disable the building of the annobin plugin for Clang.
%bcond_without clangplugin
# Use "--without gccplugin" to disable the building of the annobin plugin for GCC.
%bcond_without gccplugin
# Use "--without llvmplugin" to disable the building of the annobin plugin for LLVM.
%bcond_without llvmplugin
# Set this to zero to disable the requirement for a specific version of gcc.
# This should only be needed if there is some kind of problem with the version
# checking logic or when building on RHEL-7 or earlier.
# Update: now that we have gcc version checking support in redhat-rpm-config
# there is no longer a great need for a hard gcc version check here. Not
# enabling this check greatly simplifies the process of installing a new major
# version of gcc into the buildroot.
%global with_hard_gcc_version_requirement 0
%bcond_without plugin_rebuild
# Allow the building of annobin without using annobin itself.
# This is because if we are bootstrapping a new build environment we can have
# a new version of gcc installed, but without a new of annobin installed.
# (i.e. we are building the new version of annobin to go with the new version
# of gcc). If the *old* annobin plugin is used whilst building this new
# version, the old plugin will complain that version of gcc for which it
# was built is different from the version of gcc that is now being used, and
# then it will abort.
# The default is to use plugin during rebuilds (cf BZ 1630550) but this can
# be changed because of the need to be able to rebuild annobin when a change
# to gcc breaks the version installed into the buildroot. Note however that
# uncommenting the lines below will result in annocheck not passing the rpminspect
# tests....
# %%if %%{without plugin_rebuild}
# %%undefine _annotated_build
# %%endif
# Bootstrapping: Set this to 1 to build annobin with the system gcc.
# Then once GTS-gcc is built and in the buildroot, reset this variable
# to 0, bump the NVR and rebuild GTS-annobin.
%define bootstrapping 1
%global annobin_sources annobin-%{version}.tar.xz
Source: https://nickc.fedorapeople.org/%{annobin_sources}
# For the latest sources use: git clone git://sourceware.org/git/annobin.git
# Insert patches here, if needed. Eg:
%if %{bootstrapping}
Patch01: annobin-gcc-plugin-ignore-major-version-diffs.patch
# This is where a copy of the sources will be installed.
%global annobin_source_dir %{?_scl_root}/%{_usrsrc}/annobin
%if %{bootstrapping}
BuildRequires: gcc gcc-c++
%define gcc_for_annobin /usr/bin/gcc
%define gxx_for_annobin /usr/bin/g++
BuildRequires: %{scl_prefix}gcc
BuildRequires: %{scl_prefix}gcc-c++
BuildRequires: %{scl_prefix}annobin-plugin-gcc
BuildRequires: %scl_runtime
Requires: %scl_runtime
# We need the gcc-toolset-N version of gcc in order to run annobin, as otherwise the versions will not match.
Requires: %scl_require_package %{scl} gcc
%define gcc_for_annobin %{_scl_root}/usr/bin/gcc
%define gxx_for_annobin %{_scl_root}/usr/bin/g++
# Make sure that the necessary sub-packages are built.
%if %{with gccplugin}
Requires: %{name}-plugin-gcc
%if %{with llvmplugin}
Requires: %{name}-plugin-llvm
%if %{with clangplugin}
Requires: %{name}-plugin-clang
This package contains the tools needed to annotate binary files created by
compilers, and also the tools needed to examine those annotations.
%if %{with gccplugin}
One of the tools is a plugin for GCC that records information about the
security options that were in effect when the binary was compiled.
Note - the plugin is automatically enabled in gcc builds via flags
provided by the redhat-rpm-macros package.
%if %{with clangplugin}
One of the tools is a plugin for Clang that records information about the
security options that were in effect when the binary was compiled.
%if %{with llvmplugin}
One of the tools is a plugin for LLVM that records information about the
security options that were in effect when the binary was compiled.
%if %{with annocheck}
One of the tools is a security checker which analyses the notes present in
annotated files and reports on any missing security options.
# Now that we have sub-packages for all of the plugins and for annocheck,
# there are no executables left to go into the "annobin" rpm. But top-level
# packages cannot have "BuildArch: noarch" if sub-packages do have
# architecture requirements, and rpmlint generates an error if an
# architecture specific rpm does not contain any binaries. So instead all of
# the documentation has been moved into an architecture neutral sub-package,
# and there no longer is a top level annobin rpm at all.
%package docs
Summary: Documentation and shell scripts for use with annobin
BuildArch: noarch
# The documentation uses pod2man...
BuildRequires: perl-interpreter perl-podlators gawk make sharutils
%description docs
Provides the documentation files and example shell scripts for use with annobin.
%if %{with tests}
%package tests
Summary: Test scripts and binaries for checking the behaviour and output of the annobin plugin
Requires: %{name}-docs = %{version}-%{release}
BuildRequires: make sharutils
%if %{with debuginfod}
BuildRequires: elfutils-debuginfod-client-devel
%description tests
Provides a means to test the generation of annotated binaries and the parsing
of the resulting files.
%if %{with annocheck}
%package annocheck
Summary: A tool for checking the security hardening status of binaries
BuildRequires: elfutils elfutils-devel elfutils-libelf-devel rpm-devel make
%if %{bootstrapping}
BuildRequires: gcc
BuildRequires: %{?scl_prefix}gcc
%if %{with debuginfod}
BuildRequires: elfutils-debuginfod-client-devel
Requires: %{name}-docs = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: cpio rpm
%description annocheck
Installs the annocheck program which uses the notes generated by annobin to
check that the specified files were compiled with the correct security
hardening options.
%package libannocheck
Summary: A library for checking the security hardening status of binaries
BuildRequires: elfutils elfutils-devel elfutils-libelf-devel rpm-devel make
%if %{bootstrapping}
BuildRequires: gcc
BuildRequires: %{?scl_prefix}gcc
%if %{with debuginfod}
BuildRequires: elfutils-debuginfod-client-devel
Requires: %{name}-docs = %{version}-%{release}
%description libannocheck
Installs the libannocheck library which uses the notes generated by the
annobin plugins to check that the specified files were compiled with the
correct security hardening options.
%if %{with gccplugin}
%package plugin-gcc
Summary: annobin gcc plugin
Requires: %{name}-docs = %{version}-%{release}
%if %{bootstrapping}
BuildRequires: gcc-c++ gcc-plugin-devel
BuildRequires: %{?scl_prefix}gcc-c++ %{?scl_prefix}gcc-plugin-devel
# [Stolen from gcc-python-plugin]
# GCC will only load plugins that were built against exactly that build of GCC
# We thus need to embed the exact GCC version as a requirement within the
# metadata.
# Define "gcc_vr", a variable to hold the VERSION-RELEASE string for the gcc
# we are being built against.
# Unfortunately, we can't simply run:
# rpm -q --qf="%%{version}-%%{release}"
# to determine this, as there's no guarantee of a sane rpm database within
# the chroots created by our build system
# So we instead query the version from gcc's output.
# gcc.spec has:
# Version: %%{gcc_version}
# Release: %%{gcc_release}%%{?dist}
# ...snip...
# echo 'Red Hat %%{version}-%%{gcc_release}' > gcc/DEV-PHASE
# So, given this output:
# $ gcc --version
# gcc (GCC) 4.6.1 20110908 (Red Hat 4.6.1-9)
# Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
# we can scrape out the "4.6.1" from the version line.
# The following implements the above:
%global gcc_vr %(%gcc_for_annobin --version | head -n 1 | sed -e 's|.*(Red\ Hat\ ||g' -e 's|)$||g')
# We need the major version of gcc.
%global gcc_major %(echo "%{gcc_vr}" | cut -f1 -d".")
%global gcc_next %(v="%{gcc_major}"; echo $((++v)))
# Needed when building the srpm.
%if 0%{?gcc_major} == 0
%global gcc_major 0
# For a gcc plugin gcc is required.
%if %{bootstrapping}
Requires: gcc
%if %{with_hard_gcc_version_requirement}
# BZ 1607430 - There is an exact requirement on the major version of gcc.
Requires: (%{?scl_prefix}gcc >= %{gcc_major} with %{?scl_prefix}gcc < %{gcc_next})
Requires: %{?scl_prefix}gcc
# Information about the gcc plugin is recorded in this file.
%global aver annobin-plugin-version-info
%description plugin-gcc
Installs an annobin plugin that can be used by gcc.
%if %{with llvmplugin}
%package plugin-llvm
Summary: annobin llvm plugin
Requires: %{name}-docs = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: llvm-libs
Conflicts: %{name} <= 9.60-1
BuildRequires: clang clang-devel llvm llvm-devel compiler-rt
%description plugin-llvm
Installs an annobin plugin that can be used by LLVM tools.
%if %{with clangplugin}
%package plugin-clang
Summary: annobin clang plugin
Requires: %{name}-docs = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: llvm-libs
Conflicts: %{name} <= 9.60-1
BuildRequires: clang clang-devel llvm llvm-devel compiler-rt
%description plugin-clang
Installs an annobin plugin that can be used by Clang.
# Decide where the plugins will live. Change if necessary.
%if %{bootstrapping}
# If we are bootstrapping then we will be using the system gcc. But we do
# not want to install the newly built GTS-14 annobin plugin into the system
# plugin directory. So we hard code a path here.
# FIXME: This is going to need to be updated every time we bootstrap. Find
# a better way.
%global ANNOBIN_GCC_PLUGIN_DIR %{_scl_root}/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/%{GTS_GCC_MAJOR_VERSION}/plugin
%global ANNOBIN_GCC_PLUGIN_DIR %(%gcc_for_annobin --print-file-name=plugin)
%{!?llvm_plugin_dir:%global llvm_plugin_dir %{_libdir}/llvm/plugins}
%{!?clang_plugin_dir:%global clang_plugin_dir %{_libdir}/clang/plugins}
if [ -z "%{gcc_vr}" ]; then
echo "*** Missing gcc_vr spec file macro, cannot continue." >&2
exit 1
echo "Requires: (%{?scl_prefix}gcc >= %{gcc_major} and %{?scl_prefix}gcc < %{gcc_next})"
# NB/ Do not add {?scl_prefix} to the -n option below. The annobin sources
# unpack into a directory called annobin-VERSION not gcc-toolset-14-annobin-VERSION.
%autosetup -p1 -n annobin-%{version}
# The plugin has to be configured with the same arcane configure
# scripts used by gcc. Hence we must not allow the Fedora build
# system to regenerate any of the configure files.
touch aclocal.m4 gcc-plugin/config.h.in
touch configure */configure Makefile.in */Makefile.in
# Similarly we do not want to rebuild the documentation.
touch doc/annobin.info
%if %{with debuginfod}
CONFIG_ARGS="$CONFIG_ARGS --with-debuginfod"
# Note - we explicitly disable debuginfod support if it was not configured.
# This is because by default annobin's configue script will assume --with-debuginfod=auto
# and then run a build time test to see if debugingfod is available. It
# may well be, but the build time environment may not match the run time
# environment, and the rpm will not have a Requirement on the debuginfod
# client.
CONFIG_ARGS="$CONFIG_ARGS --without-debuginfod"
%if %{without clangplugin}
CONFIG_ARGS="$CONFIG_ARGS --without-clang-plugin"
%if %{without gccplugin}
CONFIG_ARGS="$CONFIG_ARGS --without-gcc-plugin"
%if %{without llvmplugin}
CONFIG_ARGS="$CONFIG_ARGS --without-llvm-plugin"
%if %{without tests}
CONFIG_ARGS="$CONFIG_ARGS --without-tests"
%if %{without annocheck}
CONFIG_ARGS="$CONFIG_ARGS --without-annocheck"
# Fedora and RHEL-10 support AArch64's -mbranch-protection=bti, RHEL-9 does not.
%if 0%{?fedora} != 0
export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $RPM_OPT_FLAGS %build_cflags -I%{?_scl_root}/usr/include"
export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS %build_ldflags -L%{?_scl_root}/usr/lib64 -L%{?_scl_root}/usr/lib"
# Set target-specific options to be used when building the Clang and LLVM plugins.
# FIXME: There should be a better way to do this.
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
export CLANG_TARGET_OPTIONS="-fcf-protection"
%ifarch aarch64
export CLANG_TARGET_OPTIONS="-mbranch-protection=standard"
%ifnarch riscv64
# # Override the default fortification level used by the Clang and LLVM plugins.
CC=%gcc_for_annobin CXX=%gxx_for_annobin CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" %configure ${CONFIG_ARGS} || cat config.log
%if %{with plugin_rebuild}
# Rebuild the plugin(s), this time using the plugin itself! This
# ensures that the plugin works, and that it contains annotations
# of its own.
%if %{with gccplugin}
cp gcc-plugin/.libs/annobin.so.0.0.0 %{_tmppath}/tmp_annobin.so
make -C gcc-plugin clean
# Disable the standard annobin plugin so that we do get conflicts.
# Note - rpm-4.10 uses a different way of evaluating macros.
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} < 9
OPTS="$(rpm --eval '%undefine _annotated_build %build_cflags %build_ldflags')"
OPTS="$(rpm --undefine=_annotated_build --eval '%build_cflags %build_ldflags')"
# If building on systems with an assembler that does not support the
# .attach_to_group pseudo op (eg RHEL-7) then enable the next line.
# BUILD_FLAGS="$BUILD_FLAGS -fplugin-arg-tmp_annobin-no-attach"
make -C gcc-plugin CXX=%gxx_for_annobin CXXFLAGS="$OPTS $BUILD_FLAGS"
rm %{_tmppath}/tmp_annobin.so
%if %{with clangplugin}
cp clang-plugin/annobin-for-clang.so %{_tmppath}/tmp_annobin.so
# To enable verbose more in the plugin append the following: ANNOBIN="verbose"
%if %{with llvmplugin}
cp llvm-plugin/annobin-for-llvm.so %{_tmppath}/tmp_annobin.so
# To enable verbose more in the plugin append the following: ANNOBIN_VERBOSE="true"
# endif for %%if {with_plugin_rebuild}
# PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR is used by the Clang and LLVM makefiles...
%make_install PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR=%{buildroot}/%{llvm_plugin_dir}
%if %{with clangplugin}
# Move the clang plugin to a seperate directory.
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{clang_plugin_dir}
mv %{buildroot}/%{llvm_plugin_dir}/annobin-for-clang.so %{buildroot}/%{clang_plugin_dir}
%if %{with gccplugin}
# Record the version of gcc that built this plugin.
# Note - we cannot just store %%{gcc_vr} as sometimes the gcc rpm version changes
# without the NVR being altered. See BZ #2030671 for more discussion on this.
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{ANNOBIN_GCC_PLUGIN_DIR}
cat `%gcc_for_annobin --print-file-name=rpmver` > %{buildroot}/%{ANNOBIN_GCC_PLUGIN_DIR}/%{aver}
# Also install a copy of the sources into the build tree.
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{annobin_source_dir}
cp %{_sourcedir}/%{annobin_sources} %{buildroot}%{annobin_source_dir}/latest-annobin.tar.xz
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_infodir}/dir
# When annocheck is disabled, annocheck.1.gz will still be generated, remove it.
%if %{without annocheck}
rm -f %{_mandir}/man1/annocheck.1.gz
%if %{with tests}
# The first "make check" is run with "|| :" so that we can capture any logs
# from failed tests. The second "make check" is there so that the build
# will fail if any of the tests fail.
make check GCC=%gcc_for_annobin || :
if [ -f tests/test-suite.log ]; then
cat tests/test-suite.log
# If necessary use uuencode to preserve test binaries here. For example:
# uuencode tests/tmp_atexit/atexit.strip atexit.strip
# Now repeat the tests so that we get the correct exit code.
make check GCC=%gcc_for_annobin
%files docs
%exclude %{_datadir}/doc/annobin-plugin/COPYING3
%exclude %{_datadir}/doc/annobin-plugin/LICENSE
%doc %{_datadir}/doc/annobin-plugin/annotation.proposal.txt
%exclude %{_mandir}/man1/built-by.1*
%exclude %{_mandir}/man1/check-abi.1*
%exclude %{_mandir}/man1/hardened.1*
%exclude %{_mandir}/man1/run-on-binaries-in.1*
%if %{with llvmplugin}
%files plugin-llvm
%dir %{llvm_plugin_dir}
%if %{with clangplugin}
%files plugin-clang
%dir %{clang_plugin_dir}
%if %{with gccplugin}
%files plugin-gcc
%verify(owner) %{ANNOBIN_GCC_PLUGIN_DIR}/annobin.so
%verify(owner) %{ANNOBIN_GCC_PLUGIN_DIR}/annobin.so.0
%verify(owner) %{ANNOBIN_GCC_PLUGIN_DIR}/annobin.so.0.0.0
%if %{with annocheck}
%files annocheck
%files libannocheck
* Wed Aug 07 2024 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 12.65-4
- Spec File: Change bootstrap gcc version to 14. (RHEL-53209)
* Thu Aug 01 2024 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 12.65-3
- Spec File: Remove scl-runtime requirement when bootstrapping.
* Thu Aug 01 2024 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 12.65-2
- Spec File: Remove spurious dash from install path of gcc plugin. (RHEL-51183)
* Tue Jul 30 2024 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 12.65-1
- Rebase to 12.65. (RHEL-51056)
- Annocheck: Fix recording arguments for later re-use. (RHEL-50802)
- GCC Plugin: Fix building AArch64 components with gcc earlier than 11.3.
- Annocheck: Add improvements to the builtby utility.
- Annocheck: Add support for ADA binaries.
- Annocheck: Add support for binaries built from more than two high level source languages.
- Annocheck: Add support for object files containing no executable code.
- Annocheck: Do not FAIL LLVM compiled binaries that have not been built with sanitize-cfi and/or sanitize-safe-stack.
- Annocheck: Add support for Fortran binaries.
- Annocheck: Add heuristic for detecting parts of the CGO runtime library.
- Annocheck: Add improvements for handling Clang runtime binaries.
- Annocheck: Add tweaks for mixed Rust/C binaries. (#2284605)
- Annocheck: Add more glibc source file names.
- Annocheck: Skip GAPS test for GO binaries. (RHEL-36308)
- Annocheck: Remove some false positives for Rust binaries. (#2280239)
- Annocheck: Defer passing the branch protection test until all notes have been checked.
- GCC Plugin: Add extra code for detecting the branch protection setting. (RHEL-35958)
* Fri Jul 26 2024 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 12.52-5
- Spec File: Hard code the gcc plugin directory when boostrapping. (RHEL-50148)
* Mon Jul 22 2024 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 12.52-4
- Rebuild with LLVM 18. (RHEL-49955)
* Fri May 03 2024 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 12.52-2
- Disable version checks in gcc plugin.
* Fri Apr 26 2024 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 12.52-1
- Initial import of sources.
- Compared to GTS-13 annobin (12.32) the improvements are:
- Annocheck: Add OpenSSL Engine test. (PTG-319)
- Annocheck: Test for gaps even when only one note is present.
- Annocheck: Skip AArch64 branch protection test for GO binaries.
- GCC Plugin: Disable active check for -Wimplicit-int for non-C sources. (#2275884)
- Annocheck: Ignore stack checks for AMD GPU binaries.
- Annocheck: Do not produce FAIL result for i686 binaries in the RHEL-10 profile.
- Annocheck: Test for __stack_chk_guard being writeable.
- Annocheck: Update heuristics for detecting glibc code in executables. (RHEL-30579)
- Clang & LLVM Plugins: Allow environment to override fortification level. (RHEL-30579)
- Spec File: Override fortification level and set it to 3.
- Annocheck: Improve detection of -mbranch-protection option.
- Clang Plugin: Add global-file-syms option.
- LLVM Plugin: Add global-file-syms option.
- Plugins: Add support for ANNOBIN environment variable.
- GCC Plugin: Fix bug extracing the value of target specific command line options.
- Configure: Remove check for FrontendPluginRegistry.h header as it is stored in a non-standard location on Debian systems.
- Debuginfod test: Allow for the libdwfl library silently contacting the debuginfod server.
- LLVM Plugin: Use llvm-config to get the correct paths and options for building executables.
- Clang Plugin: Likewise.
- Enable silent rules for most building.
- Annocheck: Correctly extract DWARF attributes from DT_REL files.
- Annocheck: Improve heuristics for locating debug info files. (#2267097)
- Configure: Harmonize configure options.
- Clang Plugin: Fix building with Clang 18. (#31414)
- GCC Plugin: Add support for MIPS specific target functions.
- GCC Plugin: Use .dc.a for address expressions in 64-bit ELF format notes.
- Spec File: Remove a workaround for ppc64le.
- Annocheck: Improve heuristic for skipping LTO and FORTIFY tests. (#2264000)
- Annocheck: Also skip property note test for i686 binaries. (#2258571)
- Annocheck: Also skip the entry point test for i686 binaries. (#2258571)
- GCC Plugin: Do not use section groups with string format notes.
- Annocheck: Disable cf-protection test for i686 architecture. (#2258571)
- Spec File: Disable hard gcc check in order to allow builds with new version of gcc.
- Spec File: Do not install annocheck.1.gz when annocheck is disabled.
- Annocheck: Improve detection of FIPS compliant GO binaries.
- GCC Plugin: Fix recording of the -Wimplicit-int and -Wimplicit-function-declaration warnings. Add active checks for when they are deliberately disabled.
- Tests: Fix implicit-values test so that it will compile with gcc 14+.