
489 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2024 This file is copyright:
# This file is distributed under the same license as the kdeconnect-kde package.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Toms Trasūns <toms.trasuns@posteo.net>
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kdeconnect-kde\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-01-23 00:37+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-11 20:45+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Toms Trasuns <toms.trasuns@posteo.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Latvian <kde-i18n-doc@kde.org>\n"
"Language: lv\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : "
"X-Generator: Lokalize 23.08.4\n"
#: battery/batteryplugin.cpp:119
#, kde-format
msgctxt "device name: low battery"
msgid "%1: Low Battery"
msgstr "%1: zems akumulators"
#: battery/batteryplugin.cpp:120
#, kde-format
msgid "Battery at %1%"
msgstr "Akumulatora līmenis ir %1%"
#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, ClipboardConfigUi)
#: clipboard/clipboard_config.ui:17
#, kde-format
msgid "Clipboard plugin"
msgstr "Starpliktuves papildinājums"
#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_1)
#: clipboard/clipboard_config.ui:32
#, kde-format
msgid "Automatic synchronization"
msgstr "Automātiska sinhronizācija"
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, check_autoshare)
#: clipboard/clipboard_config.ui:38
#, kde-format
msgid "Automatically share the clipboard from this device"
msgstr "Automātiski dalīties ar starpliktuvi no šīs ierīces"
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, check_password)
#: clipboard/clipboard_config.ui:45
#, kde-format
msgid "Including passwords (as marked by password managers)"
msgstr "Tostarp paroles (kā tās marķē paroļu pārvaldnieks)"
#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox)
#: findthisdevice/findthisdevice_config.ui:17
#, kde-format
msgid "Discovery Utilities"
msgstr "Atrašanas rīki"
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel)
#: findthisdevice/findthisdevice_config.ui:25
#, kde-format
msgid "Sound to play:"
msgstr "Atskaņojamā skaņa:"
#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KUrlRequester, soundFileRequester)
#: findthisdevice/findthisdevice_config.ui:39
#, kde-format
msgid "Select the sound to play"
msgstr "Atlasīt atskaņojamo skaņu"
#: lockdevice/lockdeviceplugin-win.cpp:59 lockdevice/lockdeviceplugin.cpp:87
#, kde-format
msgid "Remote lock successful"
msgstr "Attālinātā bloķēšana veikta"
#: lockdevice/lockdeviceplugin-win.cpp:62
#: lockdevice/lockdeviceplugin-win.cpp:63 lockdevice/lockdeviceplugin.cpp:92
#: lockdevice/lockdeviceplugin.cpp:94
#, kde-format
msgid "Remote lock failed"
msgstr "Attālinātā bloķēšana neizdevās"
#: mpriscontrol/mpriscontrolplugin-win.cpp:30
#, kde-format
msgctxt ""
"@title Users select this to control the current media player when we can't "
"detect a specific player name like VLC"
msgid "Current Player"
msgstr "Pašreizējais atskaņotājs"
#: notifications/notification.cpp:115
#, kde-format
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Atkārtot"
#: notifications/notification.cpp:116
#, kde-format
msgctxt "@info:placeholder"
msgid "Reply to %1..."
msgstr "Atkārtot uz %1..."
#: notifications/sendreplydialog.cpp:29
#, kde-format
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Nosūtīt"
#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SendReplyDialog)
#: notifications/sendreplydialog.ui:14
#, kde-format
msgid "Dialog"
msgstr "Lodziņš"
#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, PauseMusicConfigUi)
#: pausemusic/pausemusic_config.ui:17
#, kde-format
msgid "Pause music plugin"
msgstr "Pauzēt mūzikas papildinājumu"
#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox)
#: pausemusic/pausemusic_config.ui:32
#, kde-format
msgid "Condition"
msgstr "Nosacījums"
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, rad_ringing)
#: pausemusic/pausemusic_config.ui:38
#, kde-format
msgid "Pause as soon as phone rings"
msgstr "Pauzēt tiklīdz sāk zvanīt telefons"
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, rad_talking)
#: pausemusic/pausemusic_config.ui:45
#, kde-format
msgid "Pause only while talking"
msgstr "Pauzēt tikai sarunas laikā"
#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2)
#: pausemusic/pausemusic_config.ui:61
#, kde-format
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Darbības"
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, check_pause)
#: pausemusic/pausemusic_config.ui:67
#, kde-format
msgid "Pause media players"
msgstr "Pauzēt multivides atskaņotājus"
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, check_mute)
#: pausemusic/pausemusic_config.ui:74
#, kde-format
msgid "Mute system sound"
msgstr "Apklusināt sistēmas skaņas"
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, check_resume)
#: pausemusic/pausemusic_config.ui:81
#, kde-format
msgid "Automatically resume media when call has finished"
msgstr "Automātiski turpināt multivides atskaņošanu, beidzoties zvanam"
#: ping/pingplugin.cpp:26
#, kde-format
msgid "Ping!"
msgstr "Ping!"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:41
#, kde-format
msgid "Schedule a shutdown"
msgstr "Ieplānot izslēgšanu"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:42
#, kde-format
msgid "Shutdown now"
msgstr "Izslēgt tagad"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:43
#, kde-format
msgid "Cancel last shutdown"
msgstr "Atcelt pēdējo izslēgšanu"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:44
#, kde-format
msgid "Schedule a reboot"
msgstr "Ieplānot pārstartēšanu"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:45 runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:54
#, kde-format
msgid "Suspend"
msgstr "Iesnaudināt"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:46 runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:62
#, kde-format
msgid "Lock Screen"
msgstr "Bloķēt ekrānu"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:49
#, kde-format
msgid "Say Hello"
msgstr "Sasveicināties"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:52
#, kde-format
msgid "Shutdown"
msgstr "Izslēgt"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:53
#, kde-format
msgid "Reboot"
msgstr "Pārstartēt"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:57
#, kde-format
msgid "Maximum Brightness"
msgstr "Maksimālais gaišums"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:63
#, kde-format
msgid "Unlock Screen"
msgstr "Atbloķēt ekrānu"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:64
#, kde-format
msgid "Close All Vaults"
msgstr "Aizvērt visus seifus"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:66
#, kde-format
msgid "Forcefully Close All Vaults"
msgstr "Piespiedu aizvērt visus seifus"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:73
#, kde-format
msgid "Sample commands"
msgstr "Komandu paraugi"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:77
#, kde-format
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Eksportēt"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:80
#, kde-format
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importēt"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:93
#: sendnotifications/notifyingapplicationmodel.cpp:177
#, kde-format
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nosaukums"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:93
#, kde-format
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Komanda"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:98
#, kde-format
msgid "Export Commands"
msgstr "Eksporta komandas"
#: runcommand/runcommand_config.cpp:123
#, kde-format
msgid "Import Commands"
msgstr "Importa komandas"
#: screensaver-inhibit/screensaverinhibitplugin.cpp:24
#, kde-format
msgid "Phone is connected"
msgstr "Tālrunis ir savienots"
#: sendnotifications/notifyingapplicationmodel.cpp:181
#, kde-format
msgid "Blacklisted"
msgstr "Ievietots melnajā sarakstā"
#: sendnotifications/notifyingapplicationmodel.cpp:185
#, kde-format
msgid "Name of a notifying application."
msgstr "Paziņojošās programmas nosaukums."
#: sendnotifications/notifyingapplicationmodel.cpp:187
#, kde-format
msgid "Synchronize notifications of an application?"
msgstr "Sinhronizēt programmas paziņojumus?"
#: sendnotifications/notifyingapplicationmodel.cpp:190
#, kde-format
msgid ""
"Regular expression defining which notifications should not be sent.\n"
"This pattern is applied to the summary and, if selected above, the body of "
msgstr ""
"Šīs regulārās izteiksmes nosaka, kādus paziņojumus nav jāsūt.\n"
"Šis paraugs tiek izmantots paziņojuma kopsavilkumam un, ja ir augstāk "
"atzīmēts, arī tā saturam."
#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2)
#: sendnotifications/sendnotifications_config.ui:38
#, kde-format
msgid "General"
msgstr "Vispārīgi"
#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, check_persistent)
#: sendnotifications/sendnotifications_config.ui:44
#, kde-format
msgid "Synchronize only notifications with a timeout value of 0?"
msgstr "Sinhronizēt tikai paziņojumus, kuru pazušanas vērtība ir 0?"
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, check_persistent)
#: sendnotifications/sendnotifications_config.ui:47
#, kde-format
msgid "Persistent notifications only"
msgstr "Tikai paliekošos paziņojumus"
#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, check_body)
#: sendnotifications/sendnotifications_config.ui:60
#, kde-format
msgid ""
"Append the notification body to the summary when synchronizing notifications?"
msgstr "Kopsavilkumam pievienot paziņojuma saturu, sinhronizējot paziņojumus?"
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, check_body)
#: sendnotifications/sendnotifications_config.ui:63
#, kde-format
msgid "Include body"
msgstr "Iekļaut saturu"
#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, check_icons)
#: sendnotifications/sendnotifications_config.ui:76
#, kde-format
msgid "Synchronize icons of notifying applications if possible?"
msgstr "Sinhronizēt paziņojošo programmu ikonas, ja iespējams?"
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, check_icons)
#: sendnotifications/sendnotifications_config.ui:79
#, kde-format
msgid "Synchronize icons"
msgstr "Sinhronizēt ikonas"
#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSpinBox, spin_urgency)
#: sendnotifications/sendnotifications_config.ui:107
#, kde-format
msgid ""
"<html><head/><body><p>Minimum urgency level of the notifications</p></body></"
msgstr ""
"<html><head/><body><p>Minimālais paziņojuma svarīguma līmenis</p></body></"
#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLabel, label)
#: sendnotifications/sendnotifications_config.ui:123
#, kde-format
msgid "Synchronize only notifications with the given urgency level."
msgstr "Sinhronizēt tikai paziņojumus ar norādīt svarīguma līmeni."
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
#: sendnotifications/sendnotifications_config.ui:126
#, kde-format
msgid "Minimum urgency level"
msgstr "Minimālais svarīguma līmenis"
#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox)
#: sendnotifications/sendnotifications_config.ui:148
#, kde-format
msgid "Applications"
msgstr "Programmas"
#: sftp/mounter.cpp:167
#, kde-format
msgid "Failed to start sshfs"
msgstr "Neizdevās ieslēgt sshf"
#: sftp/mounter.cpp:171
#, kde-format
msgid "sshfs process crashed"
msgstr "sshf process avarēja"
#: sftp/mounter.cpp:175
#, kde-format
msgid "Unknown error in sshfs"
msgstr "Nezināma sshf kļūda"
#: sftp/mounter.cpp:186
#, kde-format
msgid "Error when accessing filesystem. sshfs finished with exit code %0"
msgstr ""
"Kļūda, piekļūstot datņu sistēmai. sshfs beidza darbību ar izejas kodu %0"
#: sftp/mounter.cpp:195
#, kde-format
msgid "Failed to mount filesystem: device not responding"
msgstr "Neizdevās piemontēt datņu sistēmu: ierīce neatbild"
#: sftp/sftpplugin-win.cpp:79
#, kde-format
msgid "KDE Connect"
msgstr "KDE Connect"
#: sftp/sftpplugin-win.cpp:80
#, kde-format
msgid "Cannot handle SFTP protocol. Apologies for the inconvenience"
msgstr "Neizdodas izmantot SFTP protokolu. Atvainojamies par neērtībām"
#: sftp/sftpplugin.cpp:134
#, kde-format
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Visas datnes"
#: sftp/sftpplugin.cpp:135
#, kde-format
msgid "Camera pictures"
msgstr "Kameras attēli"
#: share/share_config.cpp:22
#, kde-format
msgid "&percnt;1 in the path will be replaced with the specific device name."
msgstr "Simbols &percnt;1 ceļā tiks aizvietots ar attiecīgo ierīces nosaukumu."
#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, ShareConfigUi)
#: share/share_config.ui:17
#, kde-format
msgid "Share plugin settings"
msgstr "Nosūtīšanas papildinājuma iestatījumi"
#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox)
#: share/share_config.ui:23
#, kde-format
msgid "Receiving"
msgstr "Saņemšana"
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
#: share/share_config.ui:31
#, kde-format
msgid "Save files in:"
msgstr "Saglabāt datnes:"
#: share/shareplugin.cpp:160
#, kde-format
msgctxt "@info Some piece of text was received from a connected device"
msgid "Shared text from %1 copied to clipboard"
msgstr "No %1 nosūtītais teksts ir saglabāts starpliktuvē"
#: share/shareplugin.cpp:192 share/shareplugin.cpp:201
#, kde-format
msgctxt "@action:button Edit text with default text editor"
msgid "Open in Text Editor"
msgstr "Atvērt teksta redaktorā"
#: share/shareplugin.cpp:196 share/shareplugin.cpp:203
#, kde-format
msgctxt "@action:button Open URL with default app"
msgid "Open Link"
msgstr "Atvērt saiti"
#: share/shareplugin.cpp:251
#, kde-format
msgid "Could not share file"
msgstr "Neizdevās dalīties ar datni"
#: share/shareplugin.cpp:251
#, kde-format
msgid "%1 does not exist"
msgstr "%1 neeksistē"
#: telephony/telephonyplugin.cpp:23
#, kde-format
msgid "unknown number"
msgstr "nezināms numurs"
#: telephony/telephonyplugin.cpp:32
#, kde-format
msgid "Incoming call from %1"
msgstr "Ienākošs zvans no %1"
#: telephony/telephonyplugin.cpp:36
#, kde-format
msgid "Missed call from %1"
msgstr "Neatbildēts zvans no %1"
#: telephony/telephonyplugin.cpp:66 telephony/telephonyplugin.cpp:69
#, kde-format
msgid "Mute Call"
msgstr "Apklusināt zvanu"