/* Gwenview: an image viewer Copyright 2007 Aurélien Gâteau This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "document.h" #include "document_p.h" // Qt #include #include #include #include // KF #include #include // Exiv2 #include // Local #include "documentjob.h" #include "gvdebug.h" #include "gwenview_lib_debug.h" #include "imagemetainfomodel.h" #include "loadingdocumentimpl.h" #include "loadingjob.h" #include "savejob.h" namespace Gwenview { #undef ENABLE_LOG #undef LOG // #define ENABLE_LOG #ifdef ENABLE_LOG #define LOG(x) // qCDebug(GWENVIEW_LIB_LOG) << x #else #define LOG(x) ; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LOG static void logQueue(DocumentPrivate *d) { #define PREFIX " QUEUE: " if (!d->mCurrentJob) { Q_ASSERT(d->mJobQueue.isEmpty()); qDebug(PREFIX "No current job, no pending jobs"); return; } qCDebug(GWENVIEW_LIB_LOG) << PREFIX "Current job:" << d->mCurrentJob.data(); if (d->mJobQueue.isEmpty()) { qDebug(PREFIX "No pending jobs"); return; } qDebug(PREFIX "%d pending job(s):", d->mJobQueue.size()); for (DocumentJob *job : qAsConst(d->mJobQueue)) { Q_ASSERT(job); qCDebug(GWENVIEW_LIB_LOG) << PREFIX "-" << job; } #undef PREFIX } #define LOG_QUEUE(msg, d) \ LOG(msg); \ logQueue(d) #else #define LOG_QUEUE(msg, d) #endif //- DocumentPrivate --------------------------------------- void DocumentPrivate::scheduleImageLoading(int invertedZoom) { auto impl = qobject_cast(mImpl); Q_ASSERT(impl); impl->loadImage(invertedZoom); } void DocumentPrivate::scheduleImageDownSampling(int invertedZoom) { LOG("invertedZoom=" << invertedZoom); auto job = qobject_cast(mCurrentJob.data()); if (job && job->mInvertedZoom == invertedZoom) { LOG("Current job is already doing it"); return; } // Remove any previously scheduled downsampling job DocumentJobQueue::Iterator it; for (it = mJobQueue.begin(); it != mJobQueue.end(); ++it) { auto job = qobject_cast(*it); if (!job) { continue; } if (job->mInvertedZoom == invertedZoom) { // Already scheduled, nothing to do LOG("Already scheduled"); return; } else { LOG("Removing downsampling job"); mJobQueue.erase(it); delete job; } } q->enqueueJob(new DownSamplingJob(invertedZoom)); } void DocumentPrivate::downSampleImage(int invertedZoom) { mDownSampledImageMap[invertedZoom] = mImage.scaled(mImage.size() / invertedZoom, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation); if (mDownSampledImageMap[invertedZoom].size().isEmpty()) { mDownSampledImageMap[invertedZoom] = mImage; } Q_EMIT q->downSampledImageReady(); } //- DownSamplingJob --------------------------------------- void DownSamplingJob::doStart() { DocumentPrivate *d = document()->d; d->downSampleImage(mInvertedZoom); setError(NoError); emitResult(); } //- Document ---------------------------------------------- qreal Document::maxDownSampledZoom() { return 0.5; } Document::Document(const QUrl &url) : QObject() , d(new DocumentPrivate) { d->q = this; d->mImpl = nullptr; d->mUrl = url; d->mKeepRawData = false; } Document::~Document() { // We do not want undo stack to emit signals, forcing us to emit signals // ourself while we are being destroyed. disconnect(&d->mUndoStack, nullptr, this, nullptr); delete d->mImpl; delete d; } void Document::reload() { d->mSize = QSize(); d->mImage = QImage(); d->mDownSampledImageMap.clear(); d->mExiv2Image.reset(); d->mKind = MimeTypeUtils::KIND_UNKNOWN; d->mFormat = QByteArray(); d->mImageMetaInfoModel.setUrl(d->mUrl); d->mImageMetaInfoModel.setDates(d->mUrl); d->mImageMetaInfoModel.setMimeType(d->mUrl); d->mImageMetaInfoModel.setFileSize(d->mUrl); d->mUndoStack.clear(); d->mErrorString.clear(); d->mCmsProfile = nullptr; switchToImpl(new LoadingDocumentImpl(this)); } const QImage &Document::image() const { return d->mImage; } /** * invertedZoom is the biggest power of 2 for which zoom < 1/invertedZoom. * Example: * zoom = 0.4 == 1/2.5 => invertedZoom = 2 (1/2.5 < 1/2) * zoom = 0.2 == 1/5 => invertedZoom = 4 (1/5 < 1/4) */ inline int invertedZoomForZoom(qreal zoom) { int invertedZoom; for (invertedZoom = 1; zoom < 1. / (invertedZoom * 4); invertedZoom *= 2) { } return invertedZoom; } const QImage &Document::downSampledImageForZoom(qreal zoom) const { static const QImage sNullImage; int invertedZoom = invertedZoomForZoom(zoom); if (invertedZoom == 1) { return d->mImage; } if (!d->mDownSampledImageMap.contains(invertedZoom)) { if (!d->mImage.isNull()) { // Special case: if we have the full image and the down sampled // image would be too small, return the original image. const QSize downSampledSize = d->mImage.size() / invertedZoom; if (downSampledSize.isEmpty()) { return d->mImage; } } return sNullImage; } return d->mDownSampledImageMap[invertedZoom]; } Document::LoadingState Document::loadingState() const { return d->mImpl->loadingState(); } void Document::switchToImpl(AbstractDocumentImpl *impl) { Q_ASSERT(impl); LOG("old impl:" << d->mImpl << "new impl:" << impl); if (d->mImpl) { d->mImpl->deleteLater(); } d->mImpl = impl; connect(d->mImpl, &AbstractDocumentImpl::metaInfoLoaded, this, &Document::emitMetaInfoLoaded); connect(d->mImpl, &AbstractDocumentImpl::loaded, this, &Document::emitLoaded); connect(d->mImpl, &AbstractDocumentImpl::loadingFailed, this, &Document::emitLoadingFailed); connect(d->mImpl, &AbstractDocumentImpl::imageRectUpdated, this, &Document::imageRectUpdated); connect(d->mImpl, &AbstractDocumentImpl::isAnimatedUpdated, this, &Document::isAnimatedUpdated); d->mImpl->init(); } void Document::setImageInternal(const QImage &image) { d->mImage = image; d->mDownSampledImageMap.clear(); // If we didn't get the image size before decoding the full image, set it // now setSize(d->mImage.size()); } QUrl Document::url() const { return d->mUrl; } QByteArray Document::rawData() const { return d->mImpl->rawData(); } bool Document::keepRawData() const { return d->mKeepRawData; } void Document::setKeepRawData(bool value) { d->mKeepRawData = value; } void Document::waitUntilLoaded() { startLoadingFullImage(); while (true) { LoadingState state = loadingState(); if (state == Loaded || state == LoadingFailed) { return; } qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents); } } DocumentJob *Document::save(const QUrl &url, const QByteArray &format) { waitUntilLoaded(); DocumentJob *job = d->mImpl->save(url, format); if (!job) { qCWarning(GWENVIEW_LIB_LOG) << "Implementation does not support saving!"; setErrorString(i18nc("@info", "Gwenview cannot save this kind of documents.")); return nullptr; } job->setProperty("oldUrl", d->mUrl); job->setProperty("newUrl", url); connect(job, &DocumentJob::result, this, &Document::slotSaveResult); enqueueJob(job); return job; } void Document::slotSaveResult(KJob *job) { if (job->error()) { setErrorString(job->errorString()); } else { d->mUndoStack.setClean(); auto saveJob = static_cast(job); d->mUrl = saveJob->newUrl(); d->mImageMetaInfoModel.setUrl(d->mUrl); d->mImageMetaInfoModel.setDates(d->mUrl); d->mImageMetaInfoModel.setFileSize(d->mUrl); Q_EMIT saved(saveJob->oldUrl(), d->mUrl); } } QByteArray Document::format() const { return d->mFormat; } void Document::setFormat(const QByteArray &format) { d->mFormat = format; Q_EMIT metaInfoUpdated(); } MimeTypeUtils::Kind Document::kind() const { return d->mKind; } void Document::setKind(MimeTypeUtils::Kind kind) { d->mKind = kind; Q_EMIT kindDetermined(d->mUrl); } QSize Document::size() const { return d->mSize; } bool Document::hasAlphaChannel() const { if (d->mImage.isNull()) { return false; } else { return d->mImage.hasAlphaChannel(); } } int Document::memoryUsage() const { // FIXME: Take undo stack into account int usage = d->mImage.sizeInBytes(); usage += rawData().length(); return usage; } void Document::setSize(const QSize &size) { if (size == d->mSize) { return; } d->mSize = size; d->mImageMetaInfoModel.setImageSize(size); Q_EMIT metaInfoUpdated(); } bool Document::isModified() const { return !d->mUndoStack.isClean(); } AbstractDocumentEditor *Document::editor() { return d->mImpl->editor(); } void Document::setExiv2Image(std::unique_ptr image) { d->mExiv2Image = std::move(image); d->mImageMetaInfoModel.setExiv2Image(d->mExiv2Image.get()); Q_EMIT metaInfoUpdated(); } void Document::setDownSampledImage(const QImage &image, int invertedZoom) { Q_ASSERT(!d->mDownSampledImageMap.contains(invertedZoom)); d->mDownSampledImageMap[invertedZoom] = image; Q_EMIT downSampledImageReady(); } QString Document::errorString() const { return d->mErrorString; } void Document::setErrorString(const QString &string) { d->mErrorString = string; } ImageMetaInfoModel *Document::metaInfo() const { return &d->mImageMetaInfoModel; } void Document::startLoadingFullImage() { LoadingState state = loadingState(); if (state <= MetaInfoLoaded) { // Schedule full image loading auto job = new LoadingJob; job->uiDelegate()->setAutoWarningHandlingEnabled(false); job->uiDelegate()->setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled(false); enqueueJob(job); d->scheduleImageLoading(1); } else if (state == Loaded) { return; } else if (state == LoadingFailed) { qCWarning(GWENVIEW_LIB_LOG) << "Can't load full image: loading has already failed"; } } bool Document::prepareDownSampledImageForZoom(qreal zoom) { if (zoom >= maxDownSampledZoom()) { qCWarning(GWENVIEW_LIB_LOG) << "No need to call prepareDownSampledImageForZoom if zoom >= " << maxDownSampledZoom(); return true; } int invertedZoom = invertedZoomForZoom(zoom); if (d->mDownSampledImageMap.contains(invertedZoom)) { LOG("downSampledImageForZoom=" << zoom << "invertedZoom=" << invertedZoom << "ready"); return true; } LOG("downSampledImageForZoom=" << zoom << "invertedZoom=" << invertedZoom << "not ready"); if (loadingState() == LoadingFailed) { qCWarning(GWENVIEW_LIB_LOG) << "Image has failed to load, not doing anything"; return false; } else if (loadingState() == Loaded) { d->scheduleImageDownSampling(invertedZoom); return false; } // Schedule down sampled image loading d->scheduleImageLoading(invertedZoom); return false; } void Document::emitMetaInfoLoaded() { Q_EMIT metaInfoLoaded(d->mUrl); } void Document::emitLoaded() { Q_EMIT loaded(d->mUrl); } void Document::emitLoadingFailed() { Q_EMIT loadingFailed(d->mUrl); } QUndoStack *Document::undoStack() const { return &d->mUndoStack; } void Document::imageOperationCompleted() { if (d->mUndoStack.isClean()) { // If user just undid all his changes this does not really correspond // to a save, but it's similar enough as far as Document users are // concerned Q_EMIT saved(d->mUrl, d->mUrl); } else { Q_EMIT modified(d->mUrl); } } bool Document::isEditable() const { return d->mImpl->isEditable(); } bool Document::isAnimated() const { return d->mImpl->isAnimated(); } void Document::startAnimation() { return d->mImpl->startAnimation(); } void Document::stopAnimation() { return d->mImpl->stopAnimation(); } void Document::enqueueJob(DocumentJob *job) { LOG("job=" << job); job->setDocument(Ptr(this)); connect(job, &LoadingJob::finished, this, &Document::slotJobFinished); if (d->mCurrentJob) { d->mJobQueue.enqueue(job); } else { d->mCurrentJob = job; LOG("Starting first job"); job->start(); Q_EMIT busyChanged(d->mUrl, true); } LOG_QUEUE("Job added", d); } void Document::slotJobFinished(KJob *job) { LOG("job=" << job); GV_RETURN_IF_FAIL(job == d->mCurrentJob.data()); if (d->mJobQueue.isEmpty()) { LOG("All done"); d->mCurrentJob.clear(); Q_EMIT busyChanged(d->mUrl, false); Q_EMIT allTasksDone(); } else { LOG("Starting next job"); d->mCurrentJob = d->mJobQueue.dequeue(); GV_RETURN_IF_FAIL(d->mCurrentJob); d->mCurrentJob.data()->start(); } LOG_QUEUE("Removed done job", d); } bool Document::isBusy() const { return !d->mJobQueue.isEmpty(); } QSvgRenderer *Document::svgRenderer() const { return d->mImpl->svgRenderer(); } void Document::setCmsProfile(const Cms::Profile::Ptr &ptr) { d->mCmsProfile = ptr; } Cms::Profile::Ptr Document::cmsProfile() const { return d->mCmsProfile; } } // namespace #include "moc_document.cpp" #include "moc_document_p.cpp"