%bcond_with clang Name: qps Version: 2.9.0 Release: 1%{dist} Summary: Visual Process Manager License: GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later Group: System/Monitoring URL: https://github.com/lxqt/qps/ Source0: https://github.com/lxqt/qps/releases/download/%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz BuildRequires: cmake %if %{with clang} BuildRequires: clang >= 5.0 %else BuildRequires: gcc-c++ %endif BuildRequires: glibc BuildRequires: glibc-devel BuildRequires: hicolor-icon-theme BuildRequires: lxqt-build-tools >= 2.0.0 BuildRequires: pkgconfig BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: cmake(Qt6LinguistTools) BuildRequires: cmake(Qt6DBus) BuildRequires: cmake(Qt6Widgets) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xrender) %description Qps is a visual process manager, an X11 version of "top" or "ps" that displays processes in a window and lets you sort and manipulate them. It displays some general system information, and many details about current processes. %lang_package %prep %autosetup -p1 %build %if %{with clang} export CC=clang export CXX=clang++ %endif %cmake_lxqt %cmake_build %install %cmake_install %find_lang %{name} --with-qt desktop-file-install \ --remove-category="System Monitor" \ --delete-original \ --dir=%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications \ %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/applications/%{name}.desktop %post /usr/bin/update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || : %postun /usr/bin/update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || : %files %doc CHANGELOG README.md %license COPYING %{_bindir}/%{name} %{_datadir}/applications/%{name}.desktop %{_metainfodir}/org.lxqt.Qps.appdata.xml %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/%{name}.??g %{_mandir}/man?/%{name}* %dir %{_datadir}/qps/ %{_datadir}/qps/translations/ %changelog * Fri Sep 27 2024 Raven <raven@sysadmins.ws> - 2.9.0-1 - update to 2.9.0 * Mon Nov 6 2023 Raven <raven@sysadmins.ws> - 2.8.0-1 - update to 2.8.0 - clang support * Thu May 18 2023 Raven <raven@sysadmins.ws> - 2.7.0-1 - update to 2.7.0 * Fri Nov 11 2022 Raven <raven@sysadmins.ws> - 2.6.0-1 - update to 2.6.0 * Mon Nov 08 2021 Raven <raven@sysadmins.ws> - 2.4.0-1 - update to 2.4.0 - drop RHEL7 support * Wed Jan 27 2021 Raven <raven@sysadmins.ws> - 2.2.0-1 - version update * Tue Jun 16 2020 Raven <raven@sysadmins.ws> - 2.1.0-1 - version update * Thu Nov 7 2019 Michael Vetter <mvetter@suse.com> - Don't require glibc >= 2.30, it works actually without it * Wed Oct 9 2019 mvetter@suse.com - Update to 2.0.0: * Several code cleanups: - Silenced compiler warnings about QtTableView - Do not detect systray on every refresh (this also fixes memory leak under some GTK DEs) - Removed the method `HeadedTable::sizeHintForColumn` - htable.cpp: remove unused define - qps.h: remove unused define - Cleaned up the classes SearchBox, ControlBar and StatusBar - Do not cast bool to integer on return - Removed no strings casts definitions - Removed unmanaged code - Remove some comments - Corrected sscanf format - Removed unused variable - Simplified groupName - Add missing "const" - Apply LXQtCompilerSettings to project * Fixed memory leaks: - Fixed memory leak in showing process details dialogs - Prevent a file descriptor leak - Fixed several memory leaks * UI and other improvements: - Properly save font info - Sort fields list alphabetically - Update sort indicator on adding columns - Use float for memory column if in megabytes - Support HDPI pixmaps - A better filter box with clear button and place holder - Don't allow an unsorted table - Fixed table size and scrollbars - Made column DND predictable - Fixes for the header, especially for its DND - Fixed painting of cells, branch lines and... - Fixed settings and preferences and added signal prompt - Fixed SWAP column - Use a smaller pixmap cache - Improved translations * Fri Mar 1 2019 mvetter@suse.com - Update to 1.10.20: * Only translations was changed * Thu Jan 31 2019 Michael Vetter <mvetter@suse.com> - Update to 1.10.19: * Improved localization support - Move translation from lxqt-l10n into package * Tue May 22 2018 mvetter@suse.com - Update to 1.10.18: * Bumped patch version to 18 (#45) * Update from Weblate. (#41) * Added transltion state to README.md * Add da translation * translation update * Added translation using Weblate (German) * Create qps_da.ts * Update qps.desktop.in * i18n: Update Polish translation * Drop Qt foreach * Fix links QtDesktop --> lxqt * Sun Feb 25 2018 aloisio@gmx.com - Update to version 1.10.17 * some whitespaces fixed * l10n: Polish translation * Remove obsolete cpack * Removed not needed ressource file * some small fixes * Fixed About page * Fixed outdated FSF address in license headers * Removed: It may be used, distributed and modified without limitation. - not exactly true. * Added license headers * Fix typo * Fix license headers for files with clearly known authorship * remove some empty files * fixed encoding and added a proper GPL2 file header * Renamed LICENSE -> COPYING * Another set of licenseheader fixes * Fixed some typos in comments (CMakeLists.txt) Fixed licenseheader: src/wchan.cpp UTF-8 and filename Fixed licenseheader: src/watchdogdialog.* filetype and UTF-8 Fixed licenseheader: src/watchcond.* UTF-8 Fixed licenseheader: src/ttystr.cpp filentype and UTF-8 * Work around grep 2.23 new behaviour * Removes not needed file * Fixes CPack package version * Fixes misnaming of binary qps * Use CMAKE PROJECT_NAME instead of PROJECT * Removes Icon related commented code * Removes the custom QtIconLoader * Use QIcon::fromTheme() instead of the internal QtIconLoader * Adds the resources as an target dependency * Puts TableField sctruct on it's own file * Puts the QpsApp in it's own file * Splits the command file into several files * Puts Command utilities into it's own file * Updates translations sources * Removes toolTip, statusTip, whatsThis and accesibleName from watchdog.ui * Removes stylesheets commented stuff * Include a copy of the license * Install application icon * Updates translation sources * Adds desktop entry file * Adds application internationalization / localization * Set the minimum required CMake version to 3.0.2 * Add install instruction in CMakeLists.txt * Add clang-format file and format all files - Switch build to cmake and Qt5 - New source URL and homepage - Dropped qps- and qps-1.10.15-desktop.patch (no longer necessary) - Spec cleanup * Thu Nov 24 2011 lazy.kent@opensuse.org - Spec clean up. * Sun Aug 28 2011 lazy.kent@opensuse.org - Update to 1.10.16 + 3.0-ARCH problem fixed * Mon Aug 22 2011 lazy.kent@opensuse.org - Patch to fix typo in desktop file (bnc#631745) * Sun Jul 17 2011 lazy.kent@opensuse.org - Update to 1.10.15 + Added IO monitoring * Wed Jul 6 2011 lazy.kent@opensuse.org - Update to 1.10.14 + Fixed wrong process names * Sat Jun 18 2011 lazy.kent@opensuse.org - Update to 1.10.13 + GNOME3 and Avant Window Navigator support - Correct License tag according to SPDX Standard * Fri Jun 3 2011 lazy.kent@opensuse.org - Update to + Zero CPU bug fixed (thanks to "David Rosenstrauch") + SEGFAULT fixed (Google Chrome's very long cmdline bug fix) - Dropped obsolete buffer_overflow patch - Use full URL as a source * Mon Apr 11 2011 lazy.kent@opensuse.org - Added rpm optflags - Added COPYING - Marked man as doc * Tue Jul 6 2010 lazy.kent.suse@gmail.com - Fixed buffer overflow (bnc#613864). Patch from Bernhard Rotter - Build debug packages * Tue Oct 20 2009 lazy.kent.suse@gmail.com - Update to + 0 (zero) Process bug fixed (David_Rosenstrauch@archlinux) * Thu Sep 17 2009 lazy.kent.suse@gmail.com - Update to 1.10.12 + Not working problem on kernel-2.6.xx was fixed + MEM field added + Tab on-off switch added * Fri Aug 7 2009 lazy.kent.suse@gmail.com - Update to 1.10.11 + Window raise problem was fixed + IO_RW was added + Bugs was fixed (WCHAN, kernel warning.... etc) * Sat Aug 1 2009 lazy.kent.suse@gmail.com - Initial package created - 1.10.10