/* Gwenview: an image viewer Copyright 2007 Aurélien Gâteau This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "jpegcontenttest.h" #include // Qt #include #include #include #include #include #include // KF // Local #include "../lib/jpegcontent.h" #include "../lib/orientation.h" #include "testutils.h" using namespace std; const char *ORIENT6_FILE = "orient6.jpg"; const char *ORIENT1_VFLIP_FILE = "orient1_vflip.jpg"; const char *CUT_FILE = "cut.jpg"; const char *TMP_FILE = "tmp.jpg"; const char *THUMBNAIL_FILE = "test_thumbnail.jpg"; const int ORIENT6_WIDTH = 128; // This size is the size *after* orientation const int ORIENT6_HEIGHT = 256; // has been applied const QString ORIENT6_COMMENT = "a comment"; QTEST_MAIN(JpegContentTest) void JpegContentTest::initTestCase() { bool result; QFile in(pathForTestFile(ORIENT6_FILE)); result = in.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QVERIFY(result); QFileInfo info(in); int size = info.size() / 2; char *data = new char[size]; int readSize = in.read(data, size); QCOMPARE(size, readSize); QFile out(CUT_FILE); result = out.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); QVERIFY(result); int wroteSize = out.write(data, size); QCOMPARE(size, wroteSize); delete[] data; } void JpegContentTest::cleanupTestCase() { QDir::current().remove(CUT_FILE); } using MetaInfoMap = QMap; #if 0 MetaInfoMap getMetaInfo(const QString& path) { KFileMetaInfo fmi(path); QStringList list = fmi.supportedKeys(); QStringList::ConstIterator it = list.constBegin(); MetaInfoMap map; for (; it != list.constEnd(); ++it) { KFileMetaInfoItem item = fmi.item(*it); map[*it] = item.value().toString(); } return map; } void compareMetaInfo(const QString& path1, const QString& path2, const QStringList& ignoredKeys) { MetaInfoMap mim1 = getMetaInfo(path1); MetaInfoMap mim2 = getMetaInfo(path2); QCOMPARE(mim1.keys(), mim2.keys()); QList keys = mim1.keys(); QList::ConstIterator it = keys.constBegin(); for (; it != keys.constEnd(); ++it) { QString key = *it; if (ignoredKeys.contains(key)) continue; QString msg = QStringLiteral("Meta info differs for key '%1': v1=%2 v2=%3") .arg(key) .arg(mim1[key]) .arg(mim2[key]); QVERIFY2(mim1[key] == mim2[key], msg.toUtf8()); } } #endif void JpegContentTest::testResetOrientation() { Gwenview::JpegContent content; bool result; // Test resetOrientation without transform result = content.load(pathForTestFile(ORIENT6_FILE)); QVERIFY(result); content.resetOrientation(); result = content.save(TMP_FILE); QVERIFY(result); result = content.load(TMP_FILE); QVERIFY(result); QCOMPARE(content.orientation(), Gwenview::NORMAL); // Test resetOrientation with transform result = content.load(pathForTestFile(ORIENT6_FILE)); QVERIFY(result); content.resetOrientation(); content.transform(Gwenview::ROT_90); result = content.save(TMP_FILE); QVERIFY(result); result = content.load(TMP_FILE); QVERIFY(result); QCOMPARE(content.orientation(), Gwenview::NORMAL); } /** * This function tests JpegContent::transform() by applying a ROT_90 * transformation, saving, reloading and applying a ROT_270 to undo the ROT_90. * Saving and reloading are necessary because lossless transformation only * happens in JpegContent::save() */ void JpegContentTest::testTransform() { bool result; QImage finalImage, expectedImage; Gwenview::JpegContent content; result = content.load(pathForTestFile(ORIENT6_FILE)); QVERIFY(result); content.transform(Gwenview::ROT_90); result = content.save(TMP_FILE); QVERIFY(result); result = content.load(TMP_FILE); QVERIFY(result); content.transform(Gwenview::ROT_270); result = content.save(TMP_FILE); QVERIFY(result); result = finalImage.load(TMP_FILE); QVERIFY(result); result = expectedImage.load(pathForTestFile(ORIENT6_FILE)); QVERIFY(result); QCOMPARE(finalImage, expectedImage); } void JpegContentTest::testSetComment() { QString comment = "test comment"; Gwenview::JpegContent content; bool result; result = content.load(pathForTestFile(ORIENT6_FILE)); QVERIFY(result); content.setComment(comment); QCOMPARE(content.comment(), comment); result = content.save(TMP_FILE); QVERIFY(result); result = content.load(TMP_FILE); QVERIFY(result); QCOMPARE(content.comment(), comment); } void JpegContentTest::testReadInfo() { Gwenview::JpegContent content; bool result = content.load(pathForTestFile(ORIENT6_FILE)); QVERIFY(result); QCOMPARE(int(content.orientation()), 6); QCOMPARE(content.comment(), ORIENT6_COMMENT); QCOMPARE(content.size(), QSize(ORIENT6_WIDTH, ORIENT6_HEIGHT)); } void JpegContentTest::testThumbnail() { Gwenview::JpegContent content; bool result = content.load(pathForTestFile(ORIENT6_FILE)); QVERIFY(result); QImage thumbnail = content.thumbnail(); result = thumbnail.save(THUMBNAIL_FILE, "JPEG"); QVERIFY(result); } void JpegContentTest::testMultipleRotations() { // Test that rotating a file a lot of times does not cause findJxform() to fail Gwenview::JpegContent content; bool result = content.load(pathForTestFile(ORIENT6_FILE)); QVERIFY(result); result = content.load(pathForTestFile(ORIENT6_FILE)); QVERIFY(result); // 12*4 + 1 is the same as 1, since rotating four times brings you back for (int loop = 0; loop < 12 * 4 + 1; ++loop) { content.transform(Gwenview::ROT_90); } result = content.save(TMP_FILE); QVERIFY(result); result = content.load(TMP_FILE); QVERIFY(result); QCOMPARE(content.size(), QSize(ORIENT6_HEIGHT, ORIENT6_WIDTH)); // Check the other meta info are still here // QStringList ignoredKeys; // ignoredKeys << "Orientation" << "Comment"; // compareMetaInfo(pathForTestFile(ORIENT6_FILE), pathForTestFile(ORIENT1_VFLIP_FILE), ignoredKeys); } void JpegContentTest::testLoadTruncated() { // Test that loading and manipulating a truncated file does not crash Gwenview::JpegContent content; bool result = content.load(CUT_FILE); QVERIFY(result); QCOMPARE(int(content.orientation()), 6); QCOMPARE(content.comment(), ORIENT6_COMMENT); content.transform(Gwenview::VFLIP); qWarning() << "# Next function should output errors about incomplete image"; content.save(TMP_FILE); qWarning() << "#"; } void JpegContentTest::testRawData() { Gwenview::JpegContent content; bool result = content.load(pathForTestFile(ORIENT6_FILE)); QVERIFY(result); QByteArray fileData; QFile file(pathForTestFile(ORIENT6_FILE)); result = file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QVERIFY(result); fileData = file.readAll(); QCOMPARE(content.rawData(), fileData); } void JpegContentTest::testSetImage() { Gwenview::JpegContent content; bool result = content.load(pathForTestFile(ORIENT6_FILE)); QVERIFY(result); QImage image = QImage(400, 300, QImage::Format_RGB32); image.fill(Qt::red); content.setImage(image); result = content.save(TMP_FILE); QVERIFY(result); result = content.load(TMP_FILE); QVERIFY(result); QCOMPARE(content.size(), image.size()); // QStringList ignoredKeys; // ignoredKeys << "Orientation"; // compareMetaInfo(pathForTestFile(ORIENT6_FILE), pathForTestFile(TMP_FILE), ignoredKeys); } #include "moc_jpegcontenttest.cpp"