# Gwenview Gwenview is a fast and easy to use image viewer by KDE, ideal for browsing and displaying a collection of images. Download on Flathub ![Gwenview window](https://cdn.kde.org/screenshots/gwenview/gwenview.png) ## Features * Simple image editing: rotate, crop, resize, mirror, flip, reduce red eye, and adjust brightness, contrast, or gamma. * Annotate and mark up images with arrows, shapes, text boxes, image stamps, and more * Basic file management actions such as copy, move, delete, and others. * Functions both as a standalone application and an embedded viewer in the Konqueror web browser. ## Get It Details on where to find stable releases of Gwenview can be found on its [homepage](https://apps.kde.org/gwenview). ## Support If you have an issue with Gwenview, please [open a support thread on KDE Discuss](https://discuss.kde.org/c/help/6). ## Building The easiest way to make changes and test Gwenview during development is to [build it with kdesrc-build](https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved/development/Build_software_with_kdesrc-build). ## Contributing Like other projects in the KDE ecosystem, contributions are welcome from all. This repository is managed in [KDE Invent](https://invent.kde.org/graphics/gwenview), our GitLab instance. * Want to contribute code? See the [GitLab wiki page](https://community.kde.org/Infrastructure/GitLab) for a tutorial on how to send a merge request. * Reporting a bug? Please submit it on the [KDE Bugtracking System](https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?format=guided&product=gwenview). Please do not use the Issues tab to report bugs. * Is there a part of Gwenview that's not translated? See the [Getting Involved in Translation wiki page](https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved/translation) to see how you can help translate! If you get stuck or need help with anything at all, head over to the [KDE New Contributors room](https://go.kde.org/matrix/#/#kde-welcome:kde.org) on Matrix. For questions about Gwenview, please ask in the [KDE Development room](https://go.kde.org/matrix/#/#kde-devel:kde.org). See [Matrix](https://community.kde.org/Matrix) for more details.