/* Gwenview: an image viewer Copyright 2007 Aurélien Gâteau This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "contextmanager.h" // Qt #include #include #include // KF #include #include // Local #include #include #include #include namespace Gwenview { struct ContextManagerPrivate { SortedDirModel *mDirModel = nullptr; QItemSelectionModel *mSelectionModel = nullptr; QUrl mCurrentDirUrl; QUrl mCurrentUrl; QUrl mUrlToSelect; QUrl mTargetDirUrl; bool mSelectedFileItemListNeedsUpdate; using Signal = void (ContextManager::*)(); QVector mQueuedSignals; KFileItemList mSelectedFileItemList; bool mDirListerFinished = false; QTimer *mQueuedSignalsTimer = nullptr; void queueSignal(Signal signal) { if (!mQueuedSignals.contains(signal)) { mQueuedSignals << signal; } mQueuedSignalsTimer->start(); } void updateSelectedFileItemList() { if (!mSelectedFileItemListNeedsUpdate) { return; } mSelectedFileItemList.clear(); const QItemSelection selection = mSelectionModel->selection(); for (const QModelIndex &index : selection.indexes()) { mSelectedFileItemList << mDirModel->itemForIndex(index); } // At least add current url if it's valid (it may not be in // the list if we are viewing a non-browsable url, for example // using http protocol) if (mSelectedFileItemList.isEmpty() && mCurrentUrl.isValid()) { KFileItem item(mCurrentUrl); mSelectedFileItemList << item; } mSelectedFileItemListNeedsUpdate = false; } }; ContextManager::ContextManager(SortedDirModel *dirModel, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , d(new ContextManagerPrivate) { d->mQueuedSignalsTimer = new QTimer(this); d->mQueuedSignalsTimer->setInterval(100); d->mQueuedSignalsTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(d->mQueuedSignalsTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &ContextManager::emitQueuedSignals); d->mDirModel = dirModel; connect(d->mDirModel, &SortedDirModel::dataChanged, this, &ContextManager::slotDirModelDataChanged); /* HACK! In extended-selection mode, when the current index is removed, * QItemSelectionModel selects the previous index if there is one, if not it * selects the next index. This is not what we want: when the user removes * an image, he expects to go to the next one, not the previous one. * * To overcome this, we must connect to the mDirModel.rowsAboutToBeRemoved() * signal *before* QItemSelectionModel connects to it, so that our slot is * called before QItemSelectionModel slot. This allows us to pick a new * current index ourself, leaving QItemSelectionModel slot with nothing to * do. * * This is the reason ContextManager creates a QItemSelectionModel itself: * doing so ensures QItemSelectionModel cannot be connected to the * mDirModel.rowsAboutToBeRemoved() signal before us. */ connect(d->mDirModel, &SortedDirModel::rowsAboutToBeRemoved, this, &ContextManager::slotRowsAboutToBeRemoved); connect(d->mDirModel, &SortedDirModel::rowsInserted, this, &ContextManager::slotRowsInserted); connect(d->mDirModel->dirLister(), QOverload::of(&KDirLister::redirection), this, [this](const QUrl &, const QUrl &newUrl) { setCurrentDirUrl(newUrl); }); connect(d->mDirModel->dirLister(), QOverload<>::of(&KDirLister::completed), this, &ContextManager::slotDirListerCompleted); d->mSelectionModel = new QItemSelectionModel(d->mDirModel); connect(d->mSelectionModel, &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged, this, &ContextManager::slotSelectionChanged); connect(d->mSelectionModel, &QItemSelectionModel::currentChanged, this, &ContextManager::slotCurrentChanged); d->mSelectedFileItemListNeedsUpdate = false; connect(DocumentFactory::instance(), &DocumentFactory::readyForDirListerStart, this, [this](const QUrl &urlReady) { setCurrentDirUrl(urlReady.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename)); }); } ContextManager::~ContextManager() { delete d; } void ContextManager::loadConfig() { setTargetDirUrl(QUrl(GwenviewConfig::lastTargetDir())); } void ContextManager::saveConfig() const { GwenviewConfig::setLastTargetDir(targetDirUrl().toString()); } QItemSelectionModel *ContextManager::selectionModel() const { return d->mSelectionModel; } void ContextManager::setCurrentUrl(const QUrl ¤tUrl) { if (d->mCurrentUrl == currentUrl) { return; } d->mCurrentUrl = currentUrl; if (!d->mCurrentUrl.isEmpty()) { Document::Ptr doc = DocumentFactory::instance()->load(currentUrl); QUndoGroup *undoGroup = DocumentFactory::instance()->undoGroup(); undoGroup->addStack(doc->undoStack()); undoGroup->setActiveStack(doc->undoStack()); } d->mSelectedFileItemListNeedsUpdate = true; Q_EMIT currentUrlChanged(currentUrl); } KFileItemList ContextManager::selectedFileItemList() const { d->updateSelectedFileItemList(); return d->mSelectedFileItemList; } void ContextManager::setCurrentDirUrl(const QUrl &_url) { const QUrl url = _url.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash); if (url == d->mCurrentDirUrl) { return; } if (url.isValid() && KProtocolManager::supportsListing(url)) { d->mCurrentDirUrl = url; d->mDirModel->dirLister()->openUrl(url); d->mDirListerFinished = false; } else { d->mCurrentDirUrl.clear(); Q_EMIT d->mDirModel->dirLister()->clear(); } Q_EMIT currentDirUrlChanged(d->mCurrentDirUrl); } QUrl ContextManager::currentDirUrl() const { return d->mCurrentDirUrl; } QUrl ContextManager::currentUrl() const { return d->mCurrentUrl; } SortedDirModel *ContextManager::dirModel() const { return d->mDirModel; } void ContextManager::slotDirModelDataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight) { // Data change can happen in the following cases: // - items have been renamed // - item bytes have been modified // - item meta info has been retrieved or modified // // If a selected item is affected, schedule emission of a // selectionDataChanged() signal. Don't emit it directly to avoid spamming // the context items in case of a mass change. QModelIndexList selectionList = d->mSelectionModel->selectedIndexes(); if (selectionList.isEmpty()) { return; } QModelIndexList changedList; for (int row = topLeft.row(); row <= bottomRight.row(); ++row) { changedList << d->mDirModel->index(row, 0); } QModelIndexList &shortList = selectionList; QModelIndexList &longList = changedList; if (shortList.length() > longList.length()) { std::swap(shortList, longList); } for (const QModelIndex &index : qAsConst(shortList)) { if (longList.contains(index)) { d->mSelectedFileItemListNeedsUpdate = true; d->queueSignal(&ContextManager::selectionDataChanged); return; } } } void ContextManager::slotSelectionChanged() { d->mSelectedFileItemListNeedsUpdate = true; if (!d->mSelectionModel->hasSelection()) { // There is a chance that the URL that has been passed in from the command // line is not shown by the thumbnail view. In that case, we will not have // a selection but we also do not want to clear the current URL, as that // would hide the image that was requested to be shown. So check to see if // the current URL is in the thumbnail view, and only if it is, deselect // it. if (d->mDirModel->indexForUrl(d->mCurrentUrl).isValid()) { setCurrentUrl(QUrl()); } } d->queueSignal(&ContextManager::selectionChanged); } void Gwenview::ContextManager::slotCurrentChanged(const QModelIndex &index) { const QUrl url = d->mDirModel->urlForIndex(index); setCurrentUrl(url); } void ContextManager::emitQueuedSignals() { for (ContextManagerPrivate::Signal signal : qAsConst(d->mQueuedSignals)) { Q_EMIT(this->*signal)(); } d->mQueuedSignals.clear(); } void Gwenview::ContextManager::slotRowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex & /*parent*/, int start, int end) { const QModelIndex oldCurrent = d->mSelectionModel->currentIndex(); if (oldCurrent.row() < start || oldCurrent.row() > end) { // currentIndex has not been removed return; } QModelIndex newCurrent; if (end + 1 < d->mDirModel->rowCount()) { newCurrent = d->mDirModel->index(end + 1, 0); } else if (start > 0) { newCurrent = d->mDirModel->index(start - 1, 0); } else { // No index we can select, nothing to do return; } d->mSelectionModel->select(oldCurrent, QItemSelectionModel::Deselect); d->mSelectionModel->setCurrentIndex(newCurrent, QItemSelectionModel::Select); } bool ContextManager::currentUrlIsRasterImage() const { return MimeTypeUtils::urlKind(currentUrl()) == MimeTypeUtils::KIND_RASTER_IMAGE; } QUrl ContextManager::urlToSelect() const { return d->mUrlToSelect; } void ContextManager::setUrlToSelect(const QUrl &url) { GV_RETURN_IF_FAIL(url.isValid()); d->mUrlToSelect = url; setCurrentUrl(url); selectUrlToSelect(); } QUrl ContextManager::targetDirUrl() const { return d->mTargetDirUrl; } void ContextManager::setTargetDirUrl(const QUrl &url) { GV_RETURN_IF_FAIL(url.isEmpty() || url.isValid()); d->mTargetDirUrl = GwenviewConfig::historyEnabled() ? url : QUrl(); } void ContextManager::slotRowsInserted() { // We reach this method when rows have been inserted in the model, but views // may not have been updated yet and thus do not have the matching items. // Delay the selection of mUrlToSelect so that the view items exist. // // Without this, when Gwenview is started with an image as argument and the // thumbnail bar is visible, the image will not be selected in the thumbnail // bar. if (d->mUrlToSelect.isValid()) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, &ContextManager::selectUrlToSelect, Qt::QueuedConnection); } } void ContextManager::selectUrlToSelect() { // Because of the queued connection above we might be called several times in a row // In this case we don't want the warning below if (d->mUrlToSelect.isEmpty()) { return; } GV_RETURN_IF_FAIL(d->mUrlToSelect.isValid()); QModelIndex index = d->mDirModel->indexForUrl(d->mUrlToSelect); if (index.isValid()) { d->mSelectionModel->setCurrentIndex(index, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect); d->mUrlToSelect = QUrl(); } else if (d->mDirListerFinished) { // Desired URL cannot be found in the directory // Clear the selection to avoid dragging any local files into context // and manually set current URL d->mSelectionModel->clearSelection(); setCurrentUrl(d->mUrlToSelect); } } void ContextManager::slotDirListerCompleted() { d->mDirListerFinished = true; } } // namespace #include "moc_contextmanager.cpp"