]> GLib Reference Manual for GLib &version; The latest version of this documentation can be found on-line at https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/. GLib Overview GLib is a general-purpose utility library, which provides many useful data types, macros, type conversions, string utilities, file utilities, a mainloop abstraction, and so on. It works on many UNIX-like platforms, as well as Windows and OS X. GLib is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL). GLib Fundamentals GLib Core Application Support GLib Utilities GLib Data Types Deprecated APIs GLib Tools Deprecated Tools Index Index of deprecated symbols Index of new symbols in 2.2 Index of new symbols in 2.4 Index of new symbols in 2.6 Index of new symbols in 2.8 Index of new symbols in 2.10 Index of new symbols in 2.12 Index of new symbols in 2.14 Index of new symbols in 2.16 Index of new symbols in 2.18 Index of new symbols in 2.20 Index of new symbols in 2.22 Index of new symbols in 2.24 Index of new symbols in 2.26 Index of new symbols in 2.28 Index of new symbols in 2.30 Index of new symbols in 2.32 Index of new symbols in 2.34 Index of new symbols in 2.36 Index of new symbols in 2.38 Index of new symbols in 2.40 Index of new symbols in 2.42 Index of new symbols in 2.44 Index of new symbols in 2.46 Index of new symbols in 2.48 Index of new symbols in 2.50 Index of new symbols in 2.52 Index of new symbols in 2.54 Index of new symbols in 2.56 Index of new symbols in 2.58 Index of new symbols in 2.60 Index of new symbols in 2.62 Index of new symbols in 2.64 Index of new symbols in 2.66 Index of new symbols in 2.68