lib/sorting.hlib/zoommode.hlib/slideshow.hlib/thumbnailactions.hlib/mousewheelbehavior.hlib/fullscreenbackground.hlib/documentview/documentview.hlib/documentview/rasterimageview.hlib/print/printoptionspage.hlib/renderingintent.hlib/documentview/documentview.hGeneral.Name,General.ImageSize,Exif.Photo.ExposureTime,Exif.Photo.FlashfalsefalsefalsetrueDocumentView::Autotrue0.5The percentage of memory used by Gwenview before it
warns the user and suggest saving changes.newA list of filename extensions Gwenview should not try to
load. We exclude *.new as well because this is the extension
used for temporary files by KSaveFile.false90Horizontal1falsefalseinformationFullScreenBackground::ImageThumbnailActions::AllButtons-1General.Name,Exif.Image.DateTimetruefalseAbstractImageView::AlphaBackgroundNone#ffffffMouseWheelBehavior::Scrollfalsetrue350, 100DocumentView::SoftwareAnimationZoomMode::AutofitDefines what happens when going to image B after
having zoomed in on an area of image A. If set to Autofit,
image B is zoomed out to fit the screen. If set to KeepSame,
all images share the same zoom and position: image B is set
to the same zoom parameters as image A (and if these are
changed, image A will then be displayed with the updated zoom
and position). If set to Individual, all images remember
their own zoom and position: image B is initially set to the
same zoom parameters as image A, but will then remember its
own zoom and position (if these are changed, image A will NOT
be displayed with the updated zoom and position).RenderingIntent::PerceptualDefines how colors are rendered when your display
uses an ICC color profile and an image has colors that do not
fit within the profile's color gamut. "Perceptual" will scale
the colors of the entire image so that they all fit within the
display's capabilities. "Relative" will squash only the colors
that cannot be displayed, and leave the other colors alone.truefalseGwenview::SlideShow::NavigationEndNotification::WarnOnSlideshow1283./2.falseSorting::Namefalse1truefalse
Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter