/* Gwenview: an image viewer Copyright 2007 Aurélien Gâteau This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // Self #include "slidecontainer.h" // KF // Qt #include #include #include namespace Gwenview { static const int SLIDE_DURATION = 250; SlideContainer::SlideContainer(QWidget *parent) : QFrame(parent) , mContent(nullptr) { mSlidingOut = false; setFixedHeight(0); } QWidget *SlideContainer::content() const { return mContent; } void SlideContainer::setContent(QWidget *content) { if (mContent) { mContent->setParent(nullptr); mContent->removeEventFilter(this); } mContent = content; if (mContent) { mContent->setParent(this); mContent->installEventFilter(this); mContent->hide(); } } void SlideContainer::animTo(int newHeight) { delete mAnim.data(); auto anim = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "slideHeight", this); anim->setDuration(SLIDE_DURATION); anim->setStartValue(slideHeight()); anim->setEndValue(newHeight); anim->start(QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped); connect(anim, &QPropertyAnimation::finished, this, &SlideContainer::slotAnimFinished); mAnim = anim; } void SlideContainer::slideIn() { mSlidingOut = false; mContent->show(); mContent->adjustSize(); delete mAnim.data(); if (height() == mContent->height()) { return; } animTo(mContent->height()); } void SlideContainer::slideOut() { if (height() == 0) { return; } mSlidingOut = true; animTo(0); } QSize SlideContainer::sizeHint() const { if (mContent) { return mContent->sizeHint(); } else { return {}; } } QSize SlideContainer::minimumSizeHint() const { if (mContent) { return mContent->minimumSizeHint(); } else { return {}; } } void SlideContainer::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { if (mContent) { if (event->oldSize().width() != width()) { adjustContentGeometry(); } } } void SlideContainer::adjustContentGeometry() { if (mContent) { const int contentHeight = mContent->hasHeightForWidth() ? mContent->heightForWidth(width()) : mContent->height(); mContent->setGeometry(0, height() - contentHeight, width(), contentHeight); } } bool SlideContainer::eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *event) { switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::Resize: if (!mSlidingOut && height() != 0) { animTo(mContent->height()); } break; case QEvent::LayoutRequest: mContent->adjustSize(); break; default: break; } return false; } int SlideContainer::slideHeight() const { return isVisible() ? height() : 0; } void SlideContainer::setSlideHeight(int value) { setFixedHeight(value); adjustContentGeometry(); } void SlideContainer::slotAnimFinished() { if (height() == 0) { mSlidingOut = false; Q_EMIT slidedOut(); } else { Q_EMIT slidedIn(); } } } // namespace #include "moc_slidecontainer.cpp"