2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
# See http://bugzilla.redhat.com/223663
%global multilib_archs x86_64 %{ix86} %{?mips} ppc64 ppc s390x s390 sparc64 sparcv9
%global multilib_basearchs x86_64 %{?mips64} ppc64 s390x sparc64
%ifarch s390x ppc64le aarch64 armv7hl
%global no_sse2 1
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} < 9
%ifarch %{ix86}
%global no_sse2 1
2024-05-27 12:07:54 +06:00
%ifarch %{arm} aarch64
%global with_gles 1
%if 0%{?rhel} >= 10
# Use mutter on RHEL 10+ since it's the only shipped compositor
%global wlheadless_compositor mutter
# Use the simple reference compositor to simplify dependencies
%global wlheadless_compositor weston
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
%global platform linux-g++
%if 0%{?use_clang}
%global platform linux-clang
%global qt_module qtbase
# use external qt_settings pkg
%if 0%{?fedora}
%global qt_settings 1
%global journald 1
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libsystemd)
%global examples 1
## skip for now, until we're better at it --rex
#global tests 1
#global unstable 0
%global prerelease rc2
Name: qt6-qtbase
Summary: Qt6 - QtBase components
2024-05-29 16:17:07 +06:00
Version: 6.7.1
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
Release: 1%{?dist}
License: LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
Url: http://qt-project.org/
%global majmin %(echo %{version} | cut -d. -f1-2)
%global qt_version %(echo %{version} | cut -d~ -f1)
%if 0%{?unstable}
Source0: https://download.qt.io/development_releases/qt/%{majmin}/%{qt_version}/submodules/%{qt_module}-everywhere-src-%{qt_version}-%{prerelease}.tar.xz
Source0: https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/%{majmin}/%{version}/submodules/%{qt_module}-everywhere-src-%{version}.tar.xz
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1227295
Source1: qtlogging.ini
# header file to workaround multilib issue
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1036956
Source5: qconfig-multilib.h
# xinitrc script to check for OpenGL 1 only drivers and automatically set
Source6: 10-qt6-check-opengl2.sh
# macros
Source10: macros.qt6-qtbase
2024-05-29 16:17:07 +06:00
Patch1: qtbase-CMake-Install-objects-files-into-ARCHDATADIR.patch
Patch2: qtbase-use-only-major-minor-for-private-api-tag.patch
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
# upstreamable patches
# namespace QT_VERSION_CHECK to workaround major/minor being pre-defined (#1396755)
Patch50: qtbase-version-check.patch
# 1. Workaround moc/multilib issues
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1290020
# https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-49972
# 2. Workaround sysmacros.h (pre)defining major/minor a breaking stuff
Patch51: qtbase-moc-macros.patch
# drop -O3 and make -O2 by default
Patch54: qtbase-cxxflag.patch
# fix for new mariadb
Patch56: qtbase-mysql.patch
# fix FTBFS against libglvnd-1.3.4+
Patch58: qtbase-libglvnd.patch
# Bug 1954359 - Many emoji don't show up in Qt apps because qt does not handle 'emoji' font family
# FIXME: this change seems to completely break font rendering for some people
# Patch60: qtbase-cache-emoji-font.patch
2024-05-27 12:07:54 +06:00
%if 0%{?fedora} && 0%{?fedora} < 39
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
# Latest QGnomePlatform needs to be specified to be used
Patch100: qtbase-use-qgnomeplatform-as-default-platform-theme-on-gnome.patch
2024-05-27 12:07:54 +06:00
## upstream patches
2024-05-29 16:17:07 +06:00
Patch200: qtbase-qgtk3theme-add-support-for-xdp-to-get-color-scheme.patch
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
## upstream patches
# Do not check any files in %%{_qt6_plugindir}/platformthemes/ for requires.
# Those themes are there for platform integration. If the required libraries are
# not there, the platform to integrate with isn't either. Then Qt will just
# silently ignore the plugin that fails to load. Thus, there is no need to let
# RPM drag in gtk3 as a dependency for the GTK+3 dialog support.
%global __requires_exclude_from ^%{_qt6_plugindir}/platformthemes/.*$
# filter plugin provides
%global __provides_exclude_from ^%{_qt6_plugindir}/.*\\.so$
%if 0%{?use_clang}
BuildRequires: clang >= 6.0.0
2024-05-27 12:07:54 +06:00
BuildRequires: gcc-toolset-13-gcc-c++
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
BuildRequires: cmake
BuildRequires: ninja-build
BuildRequires: cups-devel
BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires: findutils
2024-05-29 16:17:07 +06:00
%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?epel}
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
BuildRequires: double-conversion-devel
2024-05-29 16:17:07 +06:00
Provides: bundled(double-conversion)
2024-05-27 12:07:54 +06:00
%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?epel}
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
BuildRequires: libb2-devel
2024-05-27 12:07:54 +06:00
Provides: bundled(libb2)
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel
BuildRequires: libmng-devel
BuildRequires: libtiff-devel
BuildRequires: libzstd-devel
BuildRequires: mtdev-devel
2024-05-27 12:07:54 +06:00
%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?epel}
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
BuildRequires: tslib-devel
2024-05-27 12:07:54 +06:00
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(alsa)
# required for -accessibility
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(atspi-2)
# http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1196359
%global dbus_linked 1
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(dbus-1)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libdrm)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(fontconfig)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gl)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glib-2.0)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libproxy-1.0)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libsctp)
# xcb-sm
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(ice) pkgconfig(sm)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libpng)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libudev)
2024-05-27 12:07:54 +06:00
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(openssl) >= 3.0
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libpulse) pkgconfig(libpulse-mainloop-glib)
2024-05-29 16:17:07 +06:00
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libinput)
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcb-xkb) >= 1.10
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcb-util)
2024-05-29 16:17:07 +06:00
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xkbcommon)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xkbcommon-x11)
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xkeyboard-config)
%global vulkan 1
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(vulkan)
%global egl 1
BuildRequires: mesa-libEGL-devel
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(egl)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gbm)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libglvnd)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(x11)
2024-05-27 12:07:54 +06:00
%if 0%{?with_gles}
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
# only needed for GLES2 and GLES3 builds
2024-05-27 12:07:54 +06:00
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glesv2)
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
%global sqlite 1
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(sqlite3) >= 3.7
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(icu-i18n)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libpcre2-16) >= 10.20
%global pcre 1
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcb-xkb)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcb) pkgconfig(xcb-glx) pkgconfig(xcb-icccm) pkgconfig(xcb-image) pkgconfig(xcb-keysyms) pkgconfig(xcb-renderutil) pkgconfig(xcb-cursor)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(zlib)
BuildRequires: perl
BuildRequires: perl-generators
# see patch68
BuildRequires: python3
BuildRequires: qt6-rpm-macros
2024-05-27 12:07:54 +06:00
%if 0%{?rhel} >= 9
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(harfbuzz) >= 0.9.42
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
%if 0%{?tests}
BuildRequires: dbus-x11
BuildRequires: mesa-dri-drivers
BuildRequires: time
BuildRequires: xorg-x11-server-Xvfb
Requires: %{name}-common = %{version}-%{release}
## Sql drivers
%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?epel}
%global ibase 1
Qt is a software toolkit for developing applications.
This package contains base tools, like string, xml, and network
%package common
Summary: Common files for Qt6
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch: noarch
%description common
%package devel
Summary: Development files for %{name}
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name}-gui%{?_isa}
%if 0%{?egl}
Requires: libEGL-devel
Requires: pkgconfig(gl)
%if 0%{?vulkan}
Requires: pkgconfig(vulkan)
# Optional dev dependency of Qt6::Gui
2024-05-29 16:17:07 +06:00
Requires: pkgconfig(xkbcommon)
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
Requires: qt6-rpm-macros
%if 0%{?use_clang}
Requires: clang >= 3.7.0
%if 0%{?ibase}
Requires: %{name}-ibase%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name}-mysql%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name}-odbc%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name}-postgresql%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
%description devel
%package private-devel
Summary: Development files for %{name} private APIs
Requires: %{name}-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
# QtPrintSupport/private requires cups/ppd.h
Requires: cups-devel
%description private-devel
%package examples
Summary: Programming examples for %{name}
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
%description examples
%package static
Summary: Static library files for %{name}
Requires: %{name}-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: pkgconfig(fontconfig)
Requires: pkgconfig(glib-2.0)
2024-05-29 16:17:07 +06:00
Requires: pkgconfig(libinput)
Requires: pkgconfig(xkbcommon)
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
Requires: pkgconfig(zlib)
%description static
%if 0%{?ibase}
%package ibase
Summary: IBase driver for Qt6's SQL classes
BuildRequires: firebird-devel
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
%description ibase
%package mysql
Summary: MySQL driver for Qt6's SQL classes
%if 0%{?fedora} > 27 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8
BuildRequires: mariadb-connector-c-devel
BuildRequires: mysql-devel
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
%description mysql
%package odbc
Summary: ODBC driver for Qt6's SQL classes
BuildRequires: unixODBC-devel
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
%description odbc
%package postgresql
Summary: PostgreSQL driver for Qt6's SQL classes
BuildRequires: libpq-devel
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
%description postgresql
# debating whether to do 1 subpkg per library or not -- rex
%package gui
Summary: Qt6 GUI-related libraries
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Recommends: qt6-qtwayland%{?_isa}
Recommends: qt6-qttranslations
Recommends: mesa-dri-drivers%{?_isa}
# for Source6: 10-qt6-check-opengl2.sh:
# glxinfo
Requires: glx-utils
%description gui
Qt6 libraries used for drawing widgets and OpenGL items.
%autosetup -n %{qt_module}-everywhere-src-%{qt_version}%{?unstable:-%{prerelease}} -p1
# move some bundled libs to ensure they're not accidentally used
pushd src/3rdparty
mkdir UNUSED
%if %{?rhel} < 9
mv freetype libjpeg libpng sqlite zlib UNUSED/
mv harfbuzz-ng freetype libjpeg libpng sqlite zlib UNUSED/
# builds failing mysteriously on f20
# ./configure: Permission denied
# check to ensure that can't happen -- rex
test -x configure || chmod +x configure
# QT is known not to work properly with LTO at this point. Some of the issues
# are being worked on upstream and disabling LTO should be re-evaluated as
# we update this change. Until such time...
# Disable LTO
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1900527
%define _lto_cflags %{nil}
# * for %%ix86, add sse2 enabled builds for Qt6Gui, Qt6Core, QtNetwork, see also:
# http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/qt/qtbase.git/tree/debian/rules (234-249)
## adjust $RPM_OPT_FLAGS
# remove -fexceptions
RPM_OPT_FLAGS=`echo $RPM_OPT_FLAGS | sed 's|-fexceptions||g'`
RPM_OPT_FLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS %{?qt6_arm_flag} %{?qt6_deprecated_flag} %{?qt6_null_flag}"
%if 0%{?use_clang}
RPM_OPT_FLAGS=`echo "$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -Qunused-arguments" | sed 's|-fno-delete-null-pointer-checks||g'`
export CC=clang
export CXX=clang++
2024-05-27 12:07:54 +06:00
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
export MAKEFLAGS="%{?_smp_mflags}"
%cmake_qt6 \
-DQT_FEATURE_accessibility=ON \
-DQT_FEATURE_fontconfig=ON \
2024-05-27 12:07:54 +06:00
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
-DQT_FEATURE_sse2=%{?no_sse2:OFF}%{!?no_sse2:ON} \
-DQT_FEATURE_enable_new_dtags=ON \
-DQT_FEATURE_journald=%{?journald:ON}%{!?journald:OFF} \
-DQT_FEATURE_openssl_linked=ON \
-DQT_FEATURE_openssl_hash=ON \
-DQT_FEATURE_libproxy=ON \
-DQT_FEATURE_separate_debug_info=OFF \
-DQT_FEATURE_reduce_relocations=OFF \
-DQT_FEATURE_relocatable=OFF \
-DQT_FEATURE_system_jpeg=ON \
-DQT_FEATURE_system_png=ON \
-DQT_FEATURE_system_zlib=ON \
%{?ibase:-DQT_FEATURE_sql_ibase=ON} \
-DQT_FEATURE_sql_odbc=ON \
-DQT_FEATURE_sql_mysql=ON \
-DQT_FEATURE_sql_psql=ON \
-DQT_FEATURE_sql_sqlite=ON \
2024-05-29 16:17:07 +06:00
-DQT_FEATURE_elf_private_full_version=ON \
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
%{?dbus_linked:-DQT_FEATURE_dbus_linked=ON} \
%{?pcre:-DQT_FEATURE_system_pcre2=ON} \
%{?sqlite:-DQT_FEATURE_system_sqlite=ON} \
-DQT_BUILD_EXAMPLES=%{?examples:ON}%{!?examples:OFF} \
-DQT_BUILD_TESTS=%{?tests:ON}%{!?tests:OFF} \
2024-05-27 12:07:54 +06:00
%if 0%{?with_gles}
-DQT_INPUT_opengl=es2 \
-DQT_FEATURE_opengles3=TRUE \
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
install -m644 -p -D %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_qt6_datadir}/qtlogging.ini
# Qt6.pc
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig
cat << EOF > %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/Qt6.pc
Name: Qt6
Description: Qt6 Configuration
2024-05-27 12:07:54 +06:00
Version: 6.7.0
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
# rpm macros
install -p -m644 -D %{SOURCE10} \
sed -i \
-e "s|@@NAME@@|%{name}|g" \
-e "s|@@EPOCH@@|%{?epoch}%{!?epoch:0}|g" \
-e "s|@@VERSION@@|%{version}|g" \
-e "s|@@EVR@@|%{?epoch:%{epoch:}}%{version}-%{release}|g" \
# create/own dirs
mkdir -p %{buildroot}{%{_qt6_archdatadir}/mkspecs/modules,%{_qt6_importdir},%{_qt6_libexecdir},%{_qt6_plugindir}/{designer,iconengines,script,styles},%{_qt6_translationdir}}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/xdg/QtProject
# hardlink files to {_bindir}, add -qt6 postfix to not conflict
mkdir %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
pushd %{buildroot}%{_qt6_bindir}
for i in * ; do
case "${i}" in
ln -v ${i} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/${i}-qt6
ln -v ${i} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/${i}
# Some packages requires this
ln -sf %{_qt6_libexecdir}/rcc %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/rcc-qt6
%ifarch %{multilib_archs}
# multilib: qconfig.h
mv %{buildroot}%{_qt6_headerdir}/QtCore/qconfig.h %{buildroot}%{_qt6_headerdir}/QtCore/qconfig-%{__isa_bits}.h
install -p -m644 -D %{SOURCE5} %{buildroot}%{_qt6_headerdir}/QtCore/qconfig.h
## .prl/.la file love
# nuke .prl reference(s) to %%buildroot, excessive (.la-like) libs
pushd %{buildroot}%{_qt6_libdir}
for prl_file in libQt6*.prl ; do
sed -i -e "/^QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR/d" ${prl_file}
if [ -f "$(basename ${prl_file} .prl).so" ]; then
rm -fv "$(basename ${prl_file} .prl).la"
sed -i -e "/^QMAKE_PRL_LIBS/d" ${prl_file}
install -p -m755 -D %{SOURCE6} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/10-qt6-check-opengl2.sh
# install privat headers for qtxcb
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_qt6_headerdir}/QtXcb
install -m 644 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/*.h %{buildroot}%{_qt6_headerdir}/QtXcb/
rm %{buildroot}/%{_qt6_libexecdir}/qt-cmake-private-install.cmake
# Use better location for some new scripts in qtbase-6.0.1
mv %{buildroot}/%{_qt6_libexecdir}/ensure_pro_file.cmake %{buildroot}/%{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6/ensure_pro_file.cmake
# verify Qt6.pc
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=%{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig
test "$(pkg-config --modversion Qt6)" = "%{qt_version}"
%if 0%{?tests}
## see tests/README for expected environment (running a plasma session essentially)
## we are not quite there yet
export PATH=%{buildroot}%{_qt6_bindir}:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%{buildroot}%{_qt6_libdir}
# dbus tests error out when building if session bus is not available
dbus-launch --exit-with-session \
%make_build sub-tests -k ||:
xvfb-run -a --server-args="-screen 0 1280x1024x32" \
dbus-launch --exit-with-session \
time \
make check -k ||:
%license LICENSES/GPL*
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/xdg/QtProject/
%dir %{_qt6_docdir}/
%if "%{_qt6_prefix}" != "%{_prefix}"
%dir %{_qt6_prefix}/
%dir %{_qt6_archdatadir}/
%dir %{_qt6_datadir}/
%dir %{_qt6_libexecdir}/
%dir %{_qt6_plugindir}/
%dir %{_qt6_plugindir}/designer/
%dir %{_qt6_plugindir}/generic/
%dir %{_qt6_plugindir}/iconengines/
%dir %{_qt6_plugindir}/imageformats/
%dir %{_qt6_plugindir}/platforminputcontexts/
%dir %{_qt6_plugindir}/platforms/
%dir %{_qt6_plugindir}/platformthemes/
%dir %{_qt6_plugindir}/printsupport/
%dir %{_qt6_plugindir}/script/
%dir %{_qt6_plugindir}/sqldrivers/
%dir %{_qt6_plugindir}/styles/
%files common
# mostly empty for now, consider: filesystem/dir ownership, licenses
%files devel
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/qt6/modules
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/qt6/metatypes
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6/platforms
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6/platforms/Platform
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6/config.tests
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6/3rdparty/extra-cmake-modules
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6/3rdparty/kwin
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6BuildInternals
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6BuildInternals/StandaloneTests
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6Concurrent
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6Core
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6CoreTools
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6DBus
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6DBusTools
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6DeviceDiscoverySupportPrivate
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6EglFSDeviceIntegrationPrivate
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6EglFsKmsGbmSupportPrivate
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6EglFsKmsSupportPrivate
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6ExampleIconsPrivate
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6FbSupportPrivate
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6Gui
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6GuiTools
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6HostInfo
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6KmsSupportPrivate
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6Network
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6OpenGL
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6OpenGLWidgets
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6PrintSupport
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6Sql
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6Test
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6Widgets
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6WidgetsTools
%dir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake/Qt6Xml
%if 0%{?rhel} < 9
%if "%{_qt6_bindir}" != "%{_bindir}"
%dir %{_qt6_bindir}
2024-05-29 16:17:07 +06:00
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
%if "%{_qt6_headerdir}" != "%{_includedir}"
%dir %{_qt6_headerdir}
2024-05-27 12:07:54 +06:00
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
2024-05-29 16:17:07 +06:00
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
%if 0%{?egl}
## private-devel globs
%exclude %{_qt6_headerdir}/*/%{qt_version}/
%files private-devel
%files static
%if 0%{?examples}
%files examples
%if 0%{?ibase}
%files ibase
%files mysql
%files odbc
%files postgresql
%ldconfig_scriptlets gui
%files gui
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/X11/xinit
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/
# Generic
# Imageformats
# Platforminputcontexts
%if 0%{?egl}
%dir %{_qt6_plugindir}/egldeviceintegrations/
# Platforms
# Platformthemes
2024-05-29 16:17:07 +06:00
* Mon May 27 2024 Raven <raven@sysadmins.ws> - 6.7.1-1
- 6.7.1
2024-05-27 12:07:54 +06:00
* Wed May 8 2024 Raven <raven@sysadmins.ws> - 6.7.0-1
2024-05-29 16:17:07 +06:00
- 6.7.0
2024-05-27 12:07:54 +06:00
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
* Sat Dec 16 2023 Raven <raven@sysadmins.ws> - 6.6.1-1
2024-05-29 16:17:07 +06:00
- 6.6.1
2024-02-21 18:01:18 +06:00
* Fri Aug 11 2023 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.5.2-3
- Don't use QGnomePlatform by default on F39+
* Fri Jul 21 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 6.5.2-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild
* Fri Jul 21 2023 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.5.2-1
- 6.5.2
* Wed Jul 12 2023 František Zatloukal <fzatlouk@redhat.com> - 6.5.1-4
- Rebuilt for ICU 73.2
* Wed Jul 12 2023 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.5.1-3
- Bump build for private API version change
* Tue Jul 11 2023 František Zatloukal <fzatlouk@redhat.com> - 6.5.1-2
- Rebuilt for ICU 73.2
* Mon May 22 2023 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.5.1-1
- 6.5.1
* Fri Apr 7 2023 Marie Loise Nolden <loise@kde.org> - 6.5.0-2
- fix xcb plugin with new dependency xcb-cursor instead of Xcursor
introduction with qt 6.5, add firebird sql plugin cleanly, clean up spec file
* Mon Apr 03 2023 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.5.0-1
- 6.5.0
* Mon Apr 03 2023 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.4.3-2
- Enable zstd support
* Thu Mar 23 2023 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.4.3-1
- 6.4.3
* Sun Mar 05 2023 Jan grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.4.2-5
- Use QGnomePlatform as default platform theme on GNOME
Resolves: bz#2174905
* Wed Feb 08 2023 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.4.2-4
- Fix possible DOS involving the Qt SQL ODBC driver plugin
* Tue Jan 31 2023 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.4.2-3
- migrated to SPDX license
* Fri Jan 20 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 6.4.2-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild
* Mon Jan 16 2023 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.4.2-1
- 6.4.2
* Mon Jan 02 2023 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.4.1-4
- Make -devel package to require database plugins
* Sat Dec 31 2022 Pete Walter <pwalter@fedoraproject.org> - 6.4.1-3
- Rebuild for ICU 72
* Wed Nov 30 2022 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 6.4.1-2
- rebuild for the new PostgreSQL 15
* Wed Nov 23 2022 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.4.1-1
- 6.4.1
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.4.0-1
- 6.4.0
* Mon Aug 01 2022 Frantisek Zatloukal <fzatlouk@redhat.com> - 6.3.1-4
- Rebuilt for ICU 71.1
* Fri Jul 29 2022 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.3.1-3
- Fix moc location in pkgconfig file
Resolves: bz#2112029
* Sat Jul 23 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 6.3.1-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild
* Wed Jul 13 2022 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.3.1-1
- 6.3.1
* Wed Apr 13 2022 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.3.0-1
- 6.3.0
* Fri Feb 25 2022 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.2.3-2
- Enable s390x builds
* Mon Jan 31 2022 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.2.3-1
- 6.2.3
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 6.2.2-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild
* Thu Jan 06 2022 Filip Januš <fjanus@redhat.com> - 6.2.2-2
- Rebuild for Postgresql 14
* Tue Dec 14 2021 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.2.2-1
- 6.2.2
* Fri Oct 29 2021 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.2.1-1
- 6.2.1
* Thu Sep 30 2021 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.2.0-1
- 6.2.0
* Mon Sep 27 2021 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.2.0~rc2-1
- 6.2.0 - rc2
* Sat Sep 18 2021 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.2.0~rc-1
- 6.2.0 - rc
* Tue Sep 14 2021 Sahana Prasad <sahana@redhat.com> - 6.2.0~beta4-3
- Rebuilt with OpenSSL 3.0.0
* Mon Sep 13 2021 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.2.0~beta4-2
- Skip s390x for qtdeclarative issue
* Fri Sep 10 2021 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.2.0~beta4-1
- 6.2.0 - beta4
* Wed Sep 08 2021 Rex Dieter <rdieter@fedoraproject.org> - 6.2.0~beta3-4
- rebuild
* Tue Sep 07 2021 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.2.0~beta3-3
- Disable rpath
Resolves: bz#1982699
* Tue Aug 31 2021 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.2.0~beta3-2
- Fix file conflict with qt5-qttools
- Rebuild against older libglvnd
* Mon Aug 30 2021 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.2.0~beta3-1
- 6.2.0 - beta3
* Thu Aug 12 2021 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.1.2-1
- 6.1.2
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 6.1.1-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild
* Mon Jun 07 2021 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.1.1-1
- 6.1.1
* Mon May 24 2021 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.1.0-3
- Rebuild with correct libexecdir path
* Thu May 20 2021 Pete Walter <pwalter@fedoraproject.org> - 6.1.0-2
- Rebuild for ICU 69
* Thu May 06 2021 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.1.0-1
- 6.1.0
* Mon Apr 05 2021 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.0.3-1
- 6.0.3
* Thu Feb 04 2021 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.0.1-1
- 6.0.1
* Wed Jan 27 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 6.0.0-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild
* Wed Jan 06 2021 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com> - 6.0.0-1
- 6.0.0