
244 lines
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2024-06-29 11:52:32 +06:00
# Translation for kdeconnect-sms.po to Euskara/Basque (eu).
# Copyright (C) 2020-2024 This file is copyright:
# This file is distributed under the same license as the kdeconnect-kde package.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 KDE euskaratzeko proiektuko arduraduna <xalba@ni.eus>
# Translators:
# Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi <xalba@ni.eus>, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2024.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kdeconnect-kde\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-04-10 00:37+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-24 10:41+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi <xalba@ni.eus>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <kde-i18n-eu@kde.org>\n"
"Language: eu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Lokalize 24.02.1\n"
#, kde-format
msgid "Your names"
msgstr "Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi"
#, kde-format
msgid "Your emails"
msgstr "xalba@ni.eus"
#: conversationlistmodel.cpp:199
#, kde-format
msgctxt "Used as a text placeholder when the most-recent message is an image"
msgid "Picture"
msgstr "Irudia"
#: conversationlistmodel.cpp:201
#, kde-format
msgctxt "Used as a text placeholder when the most-recent message is a video"
msgid "Video"
msgstr "Bideoa"
#: conversationlistmodel.cpp:205
#, kde-format
msgctxt ""
"Used as a text placeholder when the most-recent message is an arbitrary "
"attachment, resulting in something like \"pdf file\""
msgid "%1 file"
msgstr "%1 fitxategia"
#: conversationlistmodel.cpp:221
#, kde-format
msgid "You: %1"
msgstr "Zu: %1"
#: conversationlistmodel.cpp:227
#, kde-format
msgid "%1: %2"
msgstr "%1: %2"
#: conversationlistmodel.cpp:269 conversationlistmodel.cpp:291
#, kde-format
msgid "%1"
msgstr "%1"
#: main.cpp:51 qml/Main.qml:68
#, kde-format
msgid "KDE Connect SMS"
msgstr "KDE Connect SMS"
#: main.cpp:53
#, kde-format
msgid "SMS Instant Messaging"
msgstr "SMS bat-bateko mezularitza"
#: main.cpp:55
#, kde-format
msgid "(C) 2018-2022, KDE Connect Team"
msgstr "(C) 2018-2022, KDE Connect taldea"
#: main.cpp:56
#, kde-format
msgid "Simon Redman"
msgstr "Simon Redman"
#: main.cpp:57
#, kde-format
msgid "Aleix Pol Gonzalez"
msgstr "Aleix Pol Gonzalez"
#: main.cpp:58
#, kde-format
msgid "Nicolas Fella"
msgstr "Nicolas Fella"
#: main.cpp:76
#, kde-format
msgid "Select a device"
msgstr "Hautatu gailu bat"
#: main.cpp:76
#, kde-format
msgid "id"
msgstr "IDa"
#: main.cpp:77
#, kde-format
msgid "Send a message"
msgstr "Bidali mezu bat"
#: main.cpp:77
#, kde-format
msgid "message"
msgstr "mezua"
#: qml/AttachmentViewer.qml:20
#, kde-format
msgid "Open with default"
msgstr "Ireki lehenetsitakoarekin"
#: qml/ChatMessage.qml:153
#, kde-format
msgid "Copy Message"
msgstr "Kopiatu mezua"
#: qml/ChatMessage.qml:158
#, kde-format
msgid "Copy Selection"
msgstr "Kopiatu hautapena"
#: qml/ConversationList.qml:23
#, kde-format
msgid "No devices available"
msgstr "Ez dago gailu erabilgarririk"
#: qml/ConversationList.qml:32
#, kde-format
msgid ""
"No new messages can be sent or received, but you can browse cached content"
msgstr ""
"Ezin da mezu berririk bidali edo jaso, baino cacheko edukia araka dezakezu"
#: qml/ConversationList.qml:48
#, kde-format
msgid ""
"Loading conversations from device. If this takes a long time, please wake up "
"your device and then click Refresh."
msgstr ""
"Gailuko elkarrizketak zamatzen. Denbora luzea badarama, mesedez, esnatu zure "
"gailua eta ondoren sakatu freskatu."
#: qml/ConversationList.qml:56
#, kde-format
msgid ""
"Tip: If you plug in your device, it should not go into doze mode and should "
"load quickly."
msgstr ""
"Argibidea: Zure gailua entxufatzen baduzu, ez litzateke lo arin moduan sartu "
"behar eta azkar zamatu beharko luke."
#: qml/ConversationList.qml:64 qml/Main.qml:90
#, kde-format
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Freskatu"
#: qml/ConversationList.qml:82
#, kde-format
msgid "Choose recipient"
msgstr "Aukeratu hartzailea"
#: qml/ConversationList.qml:87
#, kde-format
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Utzi"
#: qml/ConversationList.qml:102
#, kde-format
msgid "Search or start a conversation"
msgstr "Bilatu edo abiatu elkarrizketa bat"
#: qml/ConversationList.qml:136
#, kde-format
msgid "Start new conversation"
msgstr "Abiatu elkarrizketa berria"
#: qml/ConversationList.qml:186
#, kde-format
msgctxt "Placeholder message text when no messages are found"
msgid "No matches"
msgstr "Ez dago bat datorrenik"
#: qml/Main.qml:85
#, kde-format
msgid "Devices"
msgstr "Gailuak"
#: qml/Main.qml:98
#, kde-format
msgid "About"
msgstr "Honi buruz"
#: qml/MessageAttachments.qml:114
#, kde-format
msgid "Audio clip"
msgstr "Audio klipa"
#: qml/SendingArea.qml:24
#, kde-format
msgid "Failed to send"
msgstr "Bidaltzea huts egin du"
#: qml/SendingArea.qml:25
#, kde-format
msgid "Max message size limit exceeded."
msgstr "Mezuen gehienezko neurria gainditu da."
#: qml/SendingArea.qml:72
#, kde-format
msgid "Compose message"
msgstr "Idatzi mezua"
#~ msgid "New"
#~ msgstr "Berria"
#~ msgid "Filter..."
#~ msgstr "Iragazi..."
#~ msgid "No matched results found : ("
#~ msgstr "Ez da bat datorren emaitzarik aurkitu :("
#~ msgid "(Unsupported Message Type)"
#~ msgstr "(Onartzen ez den mezu mota)"
#~ msgid "Replying to multitarget messages is not supported"
#~ msgstr "Hartzaile-aniztuneko mezuei erantzutea ez da onartzen"
#~ msgid "Spoiler"
#~ msgstr "Errebelazioa"
#~ msgid "Download"
#~ msgstr "Zama-jaitsi"