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2024-02-21 18:48:26 +06:00
%global __python3 /usr/bin/python3.11
%global python3_pkgversion 3.11
# RHEL: Tests disabled due to missing deps
%bcond_with tests
%global srcname cryptography
Name: python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{srcname}
Version: 37.0.2
Release: 5%{?dist}
Summary: PyCA's cryptography library
# We bundle various crates with cryptography which is dual licensed
# under the ASL 2.0 and BSD-3-Clause, as well as the Python license
# for the OS random engine derived by CPython.
# Inflector: BSD
# aliasable: MIT
# asn1: BSD
# asn1_derive: BSD
# autocfg: MIT or ASL 2.0
# base64: MIT or ASL 2.0
# cfg-if: MIT or ASL 2.0
# chrono: MIT or ASL 2.0
# indoc: MIT or ASL 2.0
# indoc-impl: MIT or ASL 2.0
# instant: BSD
# lazy_static: MIT or ASL 2.0
# libc: MIT or ASL 2.0
# lock_api: MIT or ASL 2.0
# num-integer: MIT or ASL 2.0
# num-traits: MIT or ASL 2.0
# once_cell: MIT or ASL 2.0
# ouroboros: MIT or ASL 2.0
# ouroboros_macro: MIT or ASL 2.0
# parking_lot: MIT or ASL 2.0
# parking_lot_core: MIT or ASL 2.0
# paste: MIT or ASL 2.0
# paste-impl: MIT or ASL 2.0
# pem: MIT
# proc-macro-error: MIT or ASL 2.0
# proc-macro-error-attr: MIT or ASL 2.0
# proc-macro-hack: MIT or ASL 2.0
# proc-macro2: MIT or ASL 2.0
# pyo3: ASL 2.0
# pyo3-build-config: ASL 2.0
# pyo3-macros: ASL 2.0
# pyo3-macros-backend: ASL 2.0
# quote: MIT or ASL 2.0
# scopeguard: MIT or ASL 2.0
# smallvec: MIT or ASL 2.0
# stable_deref_trait: MIT or ASL 2.0
# syn: MIT or ASL 2.0
# unicode-xid: MIT or ASL 2.0
# unindent: MIT or ASL 2.0
# version_check: MIT or ASL 2.0
License: (ASL 2.0 or BSD) and Python and BSD and MIT and (MIT or ASL 2.0) and ASL 2.0
URL: https://cryptography.io/en/latest/
Source0: https://github.com/pyca/cryptography/archive/%{version}/%{srcname}-%{version}.tar.gz
# created by ./vendor_rust.py helper script
Source1: cryptography-%{version}-vendor.tar.bz2
Source2: conftest-skipper.py
# Security fix for CVE-2023-23931: memory corruption via immutable objects
# Bugzilla tracker: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2171817
# Resolved upstream: https://github.com/pyca/cryptography/commit/94a50a9731f35405f0357fa5f3b177d46a726ab3
Patch0: CVE-2023-23931.patch
#ExclusiveArch: %{rust_arches}
BuildRequires: openssl-devel
BuildRequires: gcc
BuildRequires: gnupg2
%if 0%{?fedora}
BuildRequires: rust-packaging
BuildRequires: rust-toolset
BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-cffi >= 1.7
BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-devel
BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-rpm-macros
BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-setuptools
BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-setuptools-rust >= 0.11.3
# Cargo.toml requires asn1 0.6, but package FTBFS with 0.6.1
#BuildRequires: rust-asn1-devel >= 0.6.4
%if %{with tests}
%if 0%{?fedora}
BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-hypothesis >= 1.11.4
BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-iso8601
BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-pretend
BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-pytest-xdist
BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-pytest >= 6.0
BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-pytest-benchmark
BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-pytest-subtests >= 0.3.2
BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-pytz
Requires: openssl-libs
Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-cffi >= 1.7
# Provides for the bundled crates
Provides: bundled(crate(Inflector)) = 0.11.4
Provides: bundled(crate(aliasable)) = 0.1.3
Provides: bundled(crate(asn1)) = 0.8.7
Provides: bundled(crate(asn1_derive)) = 0.8.7
Provides: bundled(crate(autocfg)) = 1.1.0
Provides: bundled(crate(base64)) = 0.13.0
Provides: bundled(crate(cfg-if)) = 1.0.0
Provides: bundled(crate(chrono)) = 0.4.19
Provides: bundled(crate(indoc)) = 0.3.6
Provides: bundled(crate(indoc-impl)) = 0.3.6
Provides: bundled(crate(instant)) = 0.1.12
Provides: bundled(crate(lazy_static)) = 1.4.0
Provides: bundled(crate(libc)) = 0.2.124
Provides: bundled(crate(lock_api)) = 0.4.7
Provides: bundled(crate(num-integer)) = 0.1.44
Provides: bundled(crate(num-traits)) = 0.2.14
Provides: bundled(crate(once_cell)) = 1.10.0
Provides: bundled(crate(ouroboros)) = 0.15.0
Provides: bundled(crate(ouroboros_macro)) = 0.15.0
Provides: bundled(crate(parking_lot)) = 0.11.2
Provides: bundled(crate(parking_lot_core)) = 0.8.5
Provides: bundled(crate(paste)) = 0.1.18
Provides: bundled(crate(paste-impl)) = 0.1.18
Provides: bundled(crate(pem)) = 1.0.2
Provides: bundled(crate(proc-macro-error)) = 1.0.4
Provides: bundled(crate(proc-macro-error-attr)) = 1.0.4
Provides: bundled(crate(proc-macro-hack)) = 0.5.19
Provides: bundled(crate(proc-macro2)) = 1.0.37
Provides: bundled(crate(pyo3)) = 0.15.2
Provides: bundled(crate(pyo3-build-config)) = 0.15.2
Provides: bundled(crate(pyo3-macros)) = 0.15.2
Provides: bundled(crate(pyo3-macros-backend)) = 0.15.2
Provides: bundled(crate(quote)) = 1.0.18
Provides: bundled(crate(scopeguard)) = 1.1.0
Provides: bundled(crate(smallvec)) = 1.8.0
Provides: bundled(crate(stable_deref_trait)) = 1.2.0
Provides: bundled(crate(syn)) = 1.0.91
Provides: bundled(crate(unicode-xid)) = 0.2.2
Provides: bundled(crate(unindent)) = 0.1.8
Provides: bundled(crate(version_check)) = 0.9.4
# Cryptography crate
Provides: crate(cryptography-rust) = 0.1.0
cryptography is a package designed to expose cryptographic primitives and
recipes to Python developers.
%autosetup -p1 -n %{srcname}-%{version}
%if 0%{?fedora}
# Fedora: use cargo macros to make use of RPMified crates
cd src/rust
rm -f Cargo.lock
cd ../..
# RHEL: use vendored Rust crates
%cargo_prep -V 1
export RUSTFLAGS="%__global_rustflags"
# Actually other *.c and *.h are appropriate
# see https://github.com/pyca/cryptography/issues/1463
find . -name .keep -print -delete
%if %{with tests}
%if 0%{?rhel}
# skip hypothesis tests on RHEL
rm -rf tests/hypothesis
# append skipper to skip iso8601 and pretend tests
cat < %{SOURCE2} >> tests/conftest.py
%if 0%{?eln}
# enable SHA-1 signatures for RSA tests
# also see https://github.com/pyca/cryptography/pull/6931 and rhbz#2060343
# see https://github.com/pyca/cryptography/issues/4885 and
# see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1761194 for deselected tests
# see rhbz#2042413 for memleak. It's unstable under Python 3.11 and makes
# not much sense for downstream testing.
PYTHONPATH=${PWD}/vectors:%{buildroot}%{python3_sitearch} \
%{__python3} -m pytest \
-k "not (test_buffer_protocol_alternate_modes or test_dh_parameters_supported or test_load_ecdsa_no_named_curve or test_openssl_memleak)"
%files -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{srcname}
%doc README.rst docs
* Thu Feb 23 2023 Charalampos Stratakis <cstratak@redhat.com> - 37.0.2-5
- Bump release for rebuild
* Mon Feb 20 2023 Charalampos Stratakis <cstratak@redhat.com> - 37.0.2-4
- Security fix for CVE-2023-23931
* Tue Feb 14 2023 Charalampos Stratakis <cstratak@redhat.com> - 37.0.2-3
- Rebuild for gating
* Mon Feb 13 2023 Charalampos Stratakis <cstratak@redhat.com> - 37.0.2-2
- Add explicit dependency on python3.11-rpm-macros
* Thu Dec 01 2022 Charalampos Stratakis <cstratak@redhat.com> - 37.0.2-1
- Initial package
- Fedora contributions by:
Alfredo Moralejo <amoralej@redhat.com>
Charalampos Stratakis <cstratak@redhat.com>
Christian Heimes <christian@python.org>
Colin Walters <walters@verbum.org>
Dennis Gilmore <dennis@ausil.us>
Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@gmail.com>
Felix Schwarz <felix.schwarz@oss.schwarz.eu>
Haikel Guemar <hguemar@fedoraproject.org>
Igor Gnatenko <ignatenkobrain@fedoraproject.org>
Iryna Shcherbina <shcherbina.iryna@gmail.com>
Lumir Balhar <lbalhar@redhat.com>
Matěj Cepl <mcepl@cepl.eu>
Miro Hrončok <miro@hroncok.cz>
Nathaniel McCallum <npmccallum@redhat.com>
Randy Barlow <randy@electronsweatshop.com>
Robert Kuska <rkuska@redhat.com>
Sahana Prasad <sahana@redhat.com>
Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh@redhat.com>
Troy Dawson <tdawson@redhat.com>