2024-02-21 20:14:44 +06:00

193 lines
6.0 KiB

2009-09-07 Laurent GUERBY <laurent@guerby.net>
* make.adb: Add missing documentation for multilib handling.
2009-08-17 Robert Dewar <dewar@adacore.com>
* make.adb: Add ??? comment
2009-08-17 Arnaud Charlet <charlet@adacore.com>
* make.adb (Process_Multilib, Scan_Make_Arg): Refine previous change
and ignore -mieee switch to avoid spawning an extra gcc in this case.
2009-08-10 Laurent GUERBY <laurent@guerby.net>
* make.adb: Handle multilib
--- gcc/ada/make.adb (revision 150622,150828,150830,151472)
+++ gcc/ada/make.adb (revision 150623,150829,150831,151473)
@@ -195,6 +195,9 @@ package body Make is
RTS_Specified : String_Access := null;
-- Used to detect multiple --RTS= switches
+ N_M_Switch : Natural := 0;
+ -- Used to count -mxxx switches that can affect multilib
type Q_Record is record
File : File_Name_Type;
Unit : Unit_Name_Type;
@@ -666,6 +669,9 @@ package body Make is
-- directory of the ultimate extending project. If it is not, we ignore
-- the fact that this ALI file is read-only.
+ procedure Process_Multilib;
+ -- Add appropriate --RTS argument to handle multilib.
-- Compiler, Binder & Linker Data and Subprograms --
@@ -6854,6 +6860,7 @@ package body Make is
RTS_Specified := null;
+ N_M_Switch := 0;
@@ -6913,6 +6920,10 @@ package body Make is
Scan_Make_Arg (Argument (Next_Arg), And_Save => True);
end loop Scan_Args;
+ if N_M_Switch > 0 and RTS_Specified = null then
+ Process_Multilib;
+ end if;
if Commands_To_Stdout then
end if;
@@ -7587,6 +7598,117 @@ package body Make is
Set_Name_Table_Byte (N, B or Mark);
end Mark_Directory;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Process_Multilib --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Process_Multilib is
+ Output_FD : File_Descriptor;
+ Output_Name : String_Access;
+ Arg_Index : Natural := 0;
+ Success : Boolean := False;
+ Return_Code : Integer := 0;
+ Multilib_Gcc_Path : String_Access;
+ Multilib_Gcc : String_Access;
+ N_Read : Integer := 0;
+ Line : String (1 .. 1000);
+ Args : Argument_List (1 .. N_M_Switch + 1);
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (N_M_Switch > 0 and RTS_Specified = null);
+ -- In case we detected a multilib switch and the user has not
+ -- manually specified a specific RTS we emulate the following command:
+ -- gnatmake $FLAGS --RTS=$(gcc -print-multi-directory $FLAGS)
+ -- First select the flags which might have an impact on multilib
+ -- processing. Note that this is an heuristic selection and it
+ -- will need to be maintained over time. The condition has to
+ -- be kept synchronized with N_M_Switch counting in Scan_Make_Arg.
+ for Next_Arg in 1 .. Argument_Count loop
+ declare
+ Argv : constant String := Argument (Next_Arg);
+ begin
+ if Argv'Length > 2
+ and then Argv (1) = '-'
+ and then Argv (2) = 'm'
+ and then Argv /= "-margs"
+ -- Ignore -mieee to avoid spawning an extra gcc in this case
+ and then Argv /= "-mieee"
+ then
+ Arg_Index := Arg_Index + 1;
+ Args (Arg_Index) := new String'(Argv);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ pragma Assert (Arg_Index = N_M_Switch);
+ Args (Args'Last) := new String'("-print-multi-directory");
+ -- Call the GCC driver with the collected flags and save its
+ -- output. Alternate design would be to link in gnatmake the
+ -- relevant part of the GCC driver.
+ if Saved_Gcc /= null then
+ Multilib_Gcc := Saved_Gcc;
+ else
+ Multilib_Gcc := Gcc;
+ end if;
+ Multilib_Gcc_Path :=
+ GNAT.OS_Lib.Locate_Exec_On_Path (Multilib_Gcc.all);
+ Create_Temp_File (Output_FD, Output_Name);
+ if Output_FD = Invalid_FD then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ GNAT.OS_Lib.Spawn (Multilib_Gcc_Path.all, Args, Output_FD,
+ Return_Code, False);
+ Close (Output_FD);
+ if Return_Code /= 0 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Parse the GCC driver output which is a single line, removing CR/LF
+ Output_FD := Open_Read (Output_Name.all, Binary);
+ if Output_FD = Invalid_FD then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ N_Read := Read (Output_FD, Line (1)'Address, Line'Length);
+ Close (Output_FD);
+ Delete_File (Output_Name.all, Success);
+ for I in reverse 1 .. N_Read loop
+ if Line (I) = ASCII.CR or else Line (I) = ASCII.LF then
+ N_Read := N_Read - 1;
+ else
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- In case the standard RTS is selected do nothing
+ if N_Read = 0 or else Line (1 .. N_Read) = "." then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Otherwise add -margs --RTS=output
+ Scan_Make_Arg ("-margs", And_Save => True);
+ Scan_Make_Arg ("--RTS=" & Line (1 .. N_Read),
+ And_Save => True);
+ end Process_Multilib;
-- Recursive_Compute_Depth --
@@ -8043,6 +8165,15 @@ package body Make is
Add_Switch (Argv, Compiler, And_Save => And_Save);
Add_Switch (Argv, Linker, And_Save => And_Save);
+ -- The following condition has to be kept synchronized with
+ -- the Process_Multilib one.
+ if Argv (2) = 'm'
+ and then Argv /= "-mieee"
+ then
+ N_M_Switch := N_M_Switch + 1;
+ end if;
-- -C=<mapping file>
elsif Argv'Last > 2 and then Argv (2) = 'C' then