diff -Naur a/config/action.d/iptables.conf b/config/action.d/iptables.conf
--- a/config/action.d/iptables.conf	2022-11-09 21:46:15.000000000 +0600
+++ b/config/action.d/iptables.conf	2023-10-19 18:28:48.120087718 +0600
@@ -139,12 +139,13 @@
 #          in iptables 1.4.20, so might be absent on older systems
 #          See https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban/issues/1122
 # Values:  STRING
-lockingopt = -w
+# lockingopt = -w
 # Option:  iptables
 # Notes.:  Actual command to be executed, including common to all calls options
 # Values:  STRING
-iptables = iptables <lockingopt>
+# iptables = iptables <lockingopt>
+iptables = iptables
@@ -159,4 +160,5 @@
 # Option:  iptables (ipv6)
 # Notes.:  Actual command to be executed, including common to all calls options
 # Values:  STRING
-iptables = ip6tables <lockingopt>
+#iptables = ip6tables <lockingopt>
+iptables = ip6tables
diff -Naur a/fail2ban/tests/actiontestcase.py b/fail2ban/tests/actiontestcase.py
--- a/fail2ban/tests/actiontestcase.py	2022-11-09 21:46:15.000000000 +0600
+++ b/fail2ban/tests/actiontestcase.py	2023-10-19 18:46:47.308950813 +0600
@@ -92,8 +92,7 @@
 				('name', 'any'),
 				('bantime', '600'),
 				('ipsetfamily', 'inet'),
-				('iptables', 'iptables <lockingopt>'),
-				('lockingopt', '-w'),
+				('iptables', 'iptables'),
 				('chain', 'INPUT'),
 				('actiontype', '<multiport>'),
 				('multiport', '-p <protocol> -m multiport --dports <port> -m set --match-set <ipmset> src -j <blocktype>'),
@@ -102,13 +101,12 @@
 				('blocktype', 'REJECT',),
 			), OrderedDict((
-				('actionstart', 'ipset create f2b-any hash:ip timeout 600 family inet\niptables -w -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports ssh -m set --match-set f2b-any src -j REJECT'),
+				('actionstart', 'ipset create f2b-any hash:ip timeout 600 family inet\niptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports ssh -m set --match-set f2b-any src -j REJECT'),
 				('ipmset', 'f2b-any'),
 				('name', 'any'),
 				('bantime', '600'),
 				('ipsetfamily', 'inet'),
-				('iptables', 'iptables -w'),
-				('lockingopt', '-w'),
+				('iptables', 'iptables'),
 				('chain', 'INPUT'),
 				('actiontype', '-p tcp -m multiport --dports ssh -m set --match-set f2b-any src -j REJECT'),
 				('multiport', '-p tcp -m multiport --dports ssh -m set --match-set f2b-any src -j REJECT'),
diff -Naur a/fail2ban/tests/servertestcase.py b/fail2ban/tests/servertestcase.py
--- a/fail2ban/tests/servertestcase.py	2022-11-09 21:46:15.000000000 +0600
+++ b/fail2ban/tests/servertestcase.py	2023-10-19 18:29:23.349860177 +0600
@@ -1495,46 +1495,46 @@
 				'ip4-start': (
-					"`{ iptables -w -C f2b-j-w-iptables-mp -j RETURN >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
-					 "{ iptables -w -N f2b-j-w-iptables-mp || true; iptables -w -A f2b-j-w-iptables-mp -j RETURN; }`",
-					"`{ iptables -w -C INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-j-w-iptables-mp >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
-					 "{ iptables -w -I INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-j-w-iptables-mp; }`",
+					"`{ iptables -C f2b-j-w-iptables-mp -j RETURN >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
+					 "{ iptables -N f2b-j-w-iptables-mp || true; iptables -A f2b-j-w-iptables-mp -j RETURN; }`",
+					"`{ iptables -C INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-j-w-iptables-mp >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
+					 "{ iptables -I INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-j-w-iptables-mp; }`",
 				'ip6-start': (
-					"`{ ip6tables -w -C f2b-j-w-iptables-mp -j RETURN >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
-					 "{ ip6tables -w -N f2b-j-w-iptables-mp || true; ip6tables -w -A f2b-j-w-iptables-mp -j RETURN; }`",
-					"`{ ip6tables -w -C INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-j-w-iptables-mp >/dev/null 2>&1; } || ",
-					 "{ ip6tables -w -I INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-j-w-iptables-mp; }`",
+					"`{ ip6tables -C f2b-j-w-iptables-mp -j RETURN >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
+					 "{ ip6tables -N f2b-j-w-iptables-mp || true; ip6tables -A f2b-j-w-iptables-mp -j RETURN; }`",
+					"`{ ip6tables -C INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-j-w-iptables-mp >/dev/null 2>&1; } || ",
+					 "{ ip6tables -I INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-j-w-iptables-mp; }`",
 				'flush': (
-					"`iptables -w -F f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`",
-					"`ip6tables -w -F f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`",
+					"`iptables -F f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`",
+					"`ip6tables -F f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`",
 				'stop': (
-					"`iptables -w -D INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`",
-					"`iptables -w -F f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`",
-					"`iptables -w -X f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`",
-					"`ip6tables -w -D INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`",
-					"`ip6tables -w -F f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`",
-					"`ip6tables -w -X f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`",
+					"`iptables -D INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`",
+					"`iptables -F f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`",
+					"`iptables -X f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`",
+					"`ip6tables -D INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`",
+					"`ip6tables -F f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`",
+					"`ip6tables -X f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`",
 				'ip4-check': (
-					r"""`iptables -w -C INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`""",
+					r"""`iptables -C INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`""",
 				'ip6-check': (
-					r"""`ip6tables -w -C INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`""",
+					r"""`ip6tables -C INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-j-w-iptables-mp`""",
 				'ip4-ban': (
-					r"`iptables -w -I f2b-j-w-iptables-mp 1 -s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
+					r"`iptables -I f2b-j-w-iptables-mp 1 -s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
 				'ip4-unban': (
-					r"`iptables -w -D f2b-j-w-iptables-mp -s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
+					r"`iptables -D f2b-j-w-iptables-mp -s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
 				'ip6-ban': (
-					r"`ip6tables -w -I f2b-j-w-iptables-mp 1 -s 2001:db8:: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
+					r"`ip6tables -I f2b-j-w-iptables-mp 1 -s 2001:db8:: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
 				'ip6-unban': (
-					r"`ip6tables -w -D f2b-j-w-iptables-mp -s 2001:db8:: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
+					r"`ip6tables -D f2b-j-w-iptables-mp -s 2001:db8:: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
 			# iptables-allports --
@@ -1546,46 +1546,46 @@
 				'ip4-start': (
-					"`{ iptables -w -C f2b-j-w-iptables-ap -j RETURN >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
-					 "{ iptables -w -N f2b-j-w-iptables-ap || true; iptables -w -A f2b-j-w-iptables-ap -j RETURN; }`",
-					"`{ iptables -w -C INPUT -p $proto -j f2b-j-w-iptables-ap >/dev/null 2>&1; } || ",
-					 "{ iptables -w -I INPUT -p $proto -j f2b-j-w-iptables-ap; }`",
+					"`{ iptables -C f2b-j-w-iptables-ap -j RETURN >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
+					 "{ iptables -N f2b-j-w-iptables-ap || true; iptables -A f2b-j-w-iptables-ap -j RETURN; }`",
+					"`{ iptables -C INPUT -p $proto -j f2b-j-w-iptables-ap >/dev/null 2>&1; } || ",
+					 "{ iptables -I INPUT -p $proto -j f2b-j-w-iptables-ap; }`",
 				'ip6-start': (
-					"`{ ip6tables -w -C f2b-j-w-iptables-ap -j RETURN >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
-					 "{ ip6tables -w -N f2b-j-w-iptables-ap || true; ip6tables -w -A f2b-j-w-iptables-ap -j RETURN; }`",
-					"`{ ip6tables -w -C INPUT -p $proto -j f2b-j-w-iptables-ap >/dev/null 2>&1; } || ",
-					 "{ ip6tables -w -I INPUT -p $proto -j f2b-j-w-iptables-ap; }`",
+					"`{ ip6tables -C f2b-j-w-iptables-ap -j RETURN >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
+					 "{ ip6tables -N f2b-j-w-iptables-ap || true; ip6tables -A f2b-j-w-iptables-ap -j RETURN; }`",
+					"`{ ip6tables -C INPUT -p $proto -j f2b-j-w-iptables-ap >/dev/null 2>&1; } || ",
+					 "{ ip6tables -I INPUT -p $proto -j f2b-j-w-iptables-ap; }`",
 				'flush': (
-					"`iptables -w -F f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`",
-					"`ip6tables -w -F f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`",
+					"`iptables -F f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`",
+					"`ip6tables -F f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`",
 				'stop': (
-					"`iptables -w -D INPUT -p $proto -j f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`",
-					"`iptables -w -F f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`",
-					"`iptables -w -X f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`",
-					"`ip6tables -w -D INPUT -p $proto -j f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`",
-					"`ip6tables -w -F f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`",
-					"`ip6tables -w -X f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`",
+					"`iptables -D INPUT -p $proto -j f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`",
+					"`iptables -F f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`",
+					"`iptables -X f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`",
+					"`ip6tables -D INPUT -p $proto -j f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`",
+					"`ip6tables -F f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`",
+					"`ip6tables -X f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`",
 				'ip4-check': (
-					r"""`iptables -w -C INPUT -p $proto -j f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`""",
+					r"""`iptables -C INPUT -p $proto -j f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`""",
 				'ip6-check': (
-					r"""`ip6tables -w -C INPUT -p $proto -j f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`""",
+					r"""`ip6tables -C INPUT -p $proto -j f2b-j-w-iptables-ap`""",
 				'ip4-ban': (
-					r"`iptables -w -I f2b-j-w-iptables-ap 1 -s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
+					r"`iptables -I f2b-j-w-iptables-ap 1 -s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
 				'ip4-unban': (
-					r"`iptables -w -D f2b-j-w-iptables-ap -s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
+					r"`iptables -D f2b-j-w-iptables-ap -s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
 				'ip6-ban': (
-					r"`ip6tables -w -I f2b-j-w-iptables-ap 1 -s 2001:db8:: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
+					r"`ip6tables -I f2b-j-w-iptables-ap 1 -s 2001:db8:: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
 				'ip6-unban': (
-					r"`ip6tables -w -D f2b-j-w-iptables-ap -s 2001:db8:: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
+					r"`ip6tables -D f2b-j-w-iptables-ap -s 2001:db8:: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
 			# iptables-ipset-proto6 --
@@ -1598,31 +1598,31 @@
 				'ip4-start': (
 					"`ipset -exist create f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset hash:ip timeout 0 `",
-					"`{ iptables -w -C INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
-					 "{ iptables -w -I INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable; }`",
+					"`{ iptables -C INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
+					 "{ iptables -I INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable; }`",
 				'ip6-start': (
 					"`ipset -exist create f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset6 hash:ip timeout 0 family inet6`",
-					"`{ ip6tables -w -C INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset6 src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
-					 "{ ip6tables -w -I INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset6 src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable; }`",
+					"`{ ip6tables -C INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset6 src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
+					 "{ ip6tables -I INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset6 src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable; }`",
 				'flush': (
 					"`ipset flush f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset`",
 					"`ipset flush f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset6`",
 				'stop': (
-					"`iptables -w -D INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
+					"`iptables -D INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
 					"`ipset flush f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset`",
 					"`ipset destroy f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset`",
-					"`ip6tables -w -D INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset6 src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
+					"`ip6tables -D INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset6 src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
 					"`ipset flush f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset6`",
 					"`ipset destroy f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset6`",
 				'ip4-check': (
-					r"""`iptables -w -C INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`""",
+					r"""`iptables -C INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`""",
 				'ip6-check': (
-					r"""`ip6tables -w -C INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset6 src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`""",
+					r"""`ip6tables -C INPUT -p $proto -m multiport --dports http -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset6 src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`""",
 				'ip4-ban': (
 					r"`ipset -exist add f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset timeout 0`",
@@ -1647,31 +1647,31 @@
 				'ip4-start': (
 					"`ipset -exist create f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap hash:ip timeout 0 `",
-					"`{ iptables -w -C INPUT -p $proto -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
-					 "{ iptables -w -I INPUT -p $proto -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable; }",
+					"`{ iptables -C INPUT -p $proto -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
+					 "{ iptables -I INPUT -p $proto -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable; }",
 				'ip6-start': (
 					"`ipset -exist create f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap6 hash:ip timeout 0 family inet6`",
-					"`{ ip6tables -w -C INPUT -p $proto -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap6 src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
-					 "{ ip6tables -w -I INPUT -p $proto -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap6 src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable; }",
+					"`{ ip6tables -C INPUT -p $proto -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap6 src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
+					 "{ ip6tables -I INPUT -p $proto -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap6 src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable; }",
 				'flush': (
 					"`ipset flush f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap`",
 					"`ipset flush f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap6`",
 				'stop': (
-					"`iptables -w -D INPUT -p $proto -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
+					"`iptables -D INPUT -p $proto -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
 					"`ipset flush f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap`",
 					"`ipset destroy f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap`",
-					"`ip6tables -w -D INPUT -p $proto -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap6 src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
+					"`ip6tables -D INPUT -p $proto -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap6 src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
 					"`ipset flush f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap6`",
 					"`ipset destroy f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap6`",
 				'ip4-check': (
-					r"""`iptables -w -C INPUT -p $proto -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`""",
+					r"""`iptables -C INPUT -p $proto -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`""",
 				'ip6-check': (
-					r"""`ip6tables -w -C INPUT -p $proto -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap6 src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`""",
+					r"""`ip6tables -C INPUT -p $proto -m set --match-set f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap6 src -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`""",
 				'ip4-ban': (
 					r"`ipset -exist add f2b-j-w-iptables-ipset-ap timeout 0`",
@@ -1695,46 +1695,46 @@
 				'ip4-start': (
-					"`{ iptables -w -C f2b-j-w-iptables -j RETURN >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
-					 "{ iptables -w -N f2b-j-w-iptables || true; iptables -w -A f2b-j-w-iptables -j RETURN; }",
-					"`{ iptables -w -C INPUT -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
-					 "{ iptables -w -I INPUT -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables; }`",
+					"`{ iptables -C f2b-j-w-iptables -j RETURN >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
+					 "{ iptables -N f2b-j-w-iptables || true; iptables -A f2b-j-w-iptables -j RETURN; }",
+					"`{ iptables -C INPUT -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
+					 "{ iptables -I INPUT -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables; }`",
 				'ip6-start': (
-					"`{ ip6tables -w -C f2b-j-w-iptables -j RETURN >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
-					 "{ ip6tables -w -N f2b-j-w-iptables || true; ip6tables -w -A f2b-j-w-iptables -j RETURN; }",
-					"`{ ip6tables -w -C INPUT -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
-					 "{ ip6tables -w -I INPUT -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables; }`",
+					"`{ ip6tables -C f2b-j-w-iptables -j RETURN >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
+					 "{ ip6tables -N f2b-j-w-iptables || true; ip6tables -A f2b-j-w-iptables -j RETURN; }",
+					"`{ ip6tables -C INPUT -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
+					 "{ ip6tables -I INPUT -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables; }`",
 				'flush': (
-					"`iptables -w -F f2b-j-w-iptables`",
-					"`ip6tables -w -F f2b-j-w-iptables`",
+					"`iptables -F f2b-j-w-iptables`",
+					"`ip6tables -F f2b-j-w-iptables`",
 				'stop': (
-					"`iptables -w -D INPUT -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables`",
-					"`iptables -w -F f2b-j-w-iptables`",
-					"`iptables -w -X f2b-j-w-iptables`",
-					"`ip6tables -w -D INPUT -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables`",
-					"`ip6tables -w -F f2b-j-w-iptables`",
-					"`ip6tables -w -X f2b-j-w-iptables`",
+					"`iptables -D INPUT -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables`",
+					"`iptables -F f2b-j-w-iptables`",
+					"`iptables -X f2b-j-w-iptables`",
+					"`ip6tables -D INPUT -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables`",
+					"`ip6tables -F f2b-j-w-iptables`",
+					"`ip6tables -X f2b-j-w-iptables`",
 				'ip4-check': (
-					r"""`iptables -w -C INPUT -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables`""",
+					r"""`iptables -C INPUT -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables`""",
 				'ip6-check': (
-					r"""`ip6tables -w -C INPUT -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables`""",
+					r"""`ip6tables -C INPUT -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables`""",
 				'ip4-ban': (
-					r"`iptables -w -I f2b-j-w-iptables 1 -s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
+					r"`iptables -I f2b-j-w-iptables 1 -s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
 				'ip4-unban': (
-					r"`iptables -w -D f2b-j-w-iptables -s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
+					r"`iptables -D f2b-j-w-iptables -s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
 				'ip6-ban': (
-					r"`ip6tables -w -I f2b-j-w-iptables 1 -s 2001:db8:: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
+					r"`ip6tables -I f2b-j-w-iptables 1 -s 2001:db8:: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
 				'ip6-unban': (
-					r"`ip6tables -w -D f2b-j-w-iptables -s 2001:db8:: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
+					r"`ip6tables -D f2b-j-w-iptables -s 2001:db8:: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
 			# iptables-new --
@@ -1746,72 +1746,72 @@
 				'ip4-start': (
-					"`{ iptables -w -C f2b-j-w-iptables-new -j RETURN >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
-					 "{ iptables -w -N f2b-j-w-iptables-new || true; iptables -w -A f2b-j-w-iptables-new -j RETURN; }`",
-					"`{ iptables -w -C INPUT -m state --state NEW -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables-new >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
-					 "{ iptables -w -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables-new; }`",
+					"`{ iptables -C f2b-j-w-iptables-new -j RETURN >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
+					 "{ iptables -N f2b-j-w-iptables-new || true; iptables -A f2b-j-w-iptables-new -j RETURN; }`",
+					"`{ iptables -C INPUT -m state --state NEW -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables-new >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
+					 "{ iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables-new; }`",
 				'ip6-start': (
-					"`{ ip6tables -w -C f2b-j-w-iptables-new -j RETURN >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
-					 "{ ip6tables -w -N f2b-j-w-iptables-new || true; ip6tables -w -A f2b-j-w-iptables-new -j RETURN; }`",
-					"`{ ip6tables -w -C INPUT -m state --state NEW -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables-new >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
-					 "{ ip6tables -w -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables-new; }`",
+					"`{ ip6tables -C f2b-j-w-iptables-new -j RETURN >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
+					 "{ ip6tables -N f2b-j-w-iptables-new || true; ip6tables -A f2b-j-w-iptables-new -j RETURN; }`",
+					"`{ ip6tables -C INPUT -m state --state NEW -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables-new >/dev/null 2>&1; } || "
+					 "{ ip6tables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables-new; }`",
 				'flush': (
-					"`iptables -w -F f2b-j-w-iptables-new`",
-					"`ip6tables -w -F f2b-j-w-iptables-new`",
+					"`iptables -F f2b-j-w-iptables-new`",
+					"`ip6tables -F f2b-j-w-iptables-new`",
 				'stop': (
-					"`iptables -w -D INPUT -m state --state NEW -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables-new`",
-					"`iptables -w -F f2b-j-w-iptables-new`",
-					"`iptables -w -X f2b-j-w-iptables-new`",
-					"`ip6tables -w -D INPUT -m state --state NEW -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables-new`",
-					"`ip6tables -w -F f2b-j-w-iptables-new`",
-					"`ip6tables -w -X f2b-j-w-iptables-new`",
+					"`iptables -D INPUT -m state --state NEW -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables-new`",
+					"`iptables -F f2b-j-w-iptables-new`",
+					"`iptables -X f2b-j-w-iptables-new`",
+					"`ip6tables -D INPUT -m state --state NEW -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables-new`",
+					"`ip6tables -F f2b-j-w-iptables-new`",
+					"`ip6tables -X f2b-j-w-iptables-new`",
 				'ip4-check': (
-					r"""`iptables -w -C INPUT -m state --state NEW -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables-new`""",
+					r"""`iptables -C INPUT -m state --state NEW -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables-new`""",
 				'ip6-check': (
-					r"""`ip6tables -w -C INPUT -m state --state NEW -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables-new`""",
+					r"""`ip6tables -C INPUT -m state --state NEW -p $proto --dport http -j f2b-j-w-iptables-new`""",
 				'ip4-ban': (
-					r"`iptables -w -I f2b-j-w-iptables-new 1 -s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
+					r"`iptables -I f2b-j-w-iptables-new 1 -s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
 				'ip4-unban': (
-					r"`iptables -w -D f2b-j-w-iptables-new -s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
+					r"`iptables -D f2b-j-w-iptables-new -s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable`",
 				'ip6-ban': (
-					r"`ip6tables -w -I f2b-j-w-iptables-new 1 -s 2001:db8:: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
+					r"`ip6tables -I f2b-j-w-iptables-new 1 -s 2001:db8:: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
 				'ip6-unban': (
-					r"`ip6tables -w -D f2b-j-w-iptables-new -s 2001:db8:: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
+					r"`ip6tables -D f2b-j-w-iptables-new -s 2001:db8:: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable`",
 			# iptables-xt_recent-echo --
 			('j-w-iptables-xtre', 'iptables-xt_recent-echo[name=%(__name__)s, bantime="10m", chain="<known/chain>"]', {
 				'ip4': ('`iptables ', '/f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre`'), 'ip6': ('`ip6tables ', '/f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre6`'),
 				'ip4-start': (
-					"`{ iptables -w -C INPUT -m recent --update --seconds 3600 --name f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable >/dev/null 2>&1; } || { iptables -w -I INPUT -m recent --update --seconds 3600 --name f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable; }`",
+					"`{ iptables -C INPUT -m recent --update --seconds 3600 --name f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable >/dev/null 2>&1; } || { iptables -I INPUT -m recent --update --seconds 3600 --name f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable; }`",
 				'ip6-start': (
-					"`{ ip6tables -w -C INPUT -m recent --update --seconds 3600 --name f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre6 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable >/dev/null 2>&1; } || { ip6tables -w -I INPUT -m recent --update --seconds 3600 --name f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre6 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable; }`",
+					"`{ ip6tables -C INPUT -m recent --update --seconds 3600 --name f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre6 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable >/dev/null 2>&1; } || { ip6tables -I INPUT -m recent --update --seconds 3600 --name f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre6 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable; }`",
 				'stop': (
 					"`echo / > /proc/net/xt_recent/f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre`",
 					"`if [ `id -u` -eq 0 ];then`",
-					"`iptables -w -D INPUT -m recent --update --seconds 3600 --name f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable;`",
+					"`iptables -D INPUT -m recent --update --seconds 3600 --name f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable;`",
 					"`echo / > /proc/net/xt_recent/f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre6`",
 					"`if [ `id -u` -eq 0 ];then`",
-					"`ip6tables -w -D INPUT -m recent --update --seconds 3600 --name f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre6 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable;`",
+					"`ip6tables -D INPUT -m recent --update --seconds 3600 --name f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre6 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable;`",
 				'ip4-check': (
-					r"`{ iptables -w -C INPUT -m recent --update --seconds 3600 --name f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable; } && test -e /proc/net/xt_recent/f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre`",
+					r"`{ iptables -C INPUT -m recent --update --seconds 3600 --name f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable; } && test -e /proc/net/xt_recent/f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre`",
 				'ip6-check': (
-					r"`{ ip6tables -w -C INPUT -m recent --update --seconds 3600 --name f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre6 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable; } && test -e /proc/net/xt_recent/f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre6`",
+					r"`{ ip6tables -C INPUT -m recent --update --seconds 3600 --name f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre6 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable; } && test -e /proc/net/xt_recent/f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre6`",
 				'ip4-ban': (
 					r"`echo + > /proc/net/xt_recent/f2b-j-w-iptables-xtre`",