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2024-02-21 20:14:44 +06:00
%define _root_sbindir /sbin
%define _root_libdir /%{_lib}
Summary: Utilities for managing ext2, ext3, and ext4 filesystems
Name: e2fsprogs
Version: 1.47.0
Release: 1%{?dist}
# License tags based on COPYING file distinctions for various components
License: GPLv2
Group: System Environment/Base
Source0: https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/tytso/%{name}/v%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
Source1: https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/tytso/%{name}/v%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.sign
# GPG key fetched from https://thunk.org/tytso/tytso-key.asc
# which was linked from https://thunk.org/tytso/
# Also verified fingerprint matches on https://www.kernel.org/doc/wot/tytso.html
# note that the GPG key linked off his MIT page is likely old, and is *not* the
# same as the above key ( http://web.mit.edu/tytso/www/home.html )
Source2: tytso-key.asc
Patch0: 0001-remove-local-PATH.patch
Url: http://e2fsprogs.sourceforge.net/
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
Requires: e2fsprogs-libs = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: libcom_err = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: libss = %{version}-%{release}
# e4fsprogs was a parallel ext4-capable package in RHEL5.x
%if 0%{?rhel} > 0
Obsoletes: e4fsprogs < %{version}-%{release}
Provides: e4fsprogs = %{version}-%{release}
BuildRequires: pkgconfig, texinfo, libselinux-devel, gcc
BuildRequires: libsepol-devel
BuildRequires: libblkid-devel
BuildRequires: libuuid-devel
BuildRequires: gnupg2 xz
The e2fsprogs package contains a number of utilities for creating,
checking, modifying, and correcting any inconsistencies in second,
third and fourth extended (ext2/ext3/ext4) filesystems. E2fsprogs
contains e2fsck (used to repair filesystem inconsistencies after an
unclean shutdown), mke2fs (used to initialize a partition to contain
an empty ext2 filesystem), debugfs (used to examine the internal
structure of a filesystem, to manually repair a corrupted
filesystem, or to create test cases for e2fsck), tune2fs (used to
modify filesystem parameters), and most of the other core ext2fs
filesystem utilities.
You should install the e2fsprogs package if you need to manage the
performance of an ext2, ext3, or ext4 filesystem.
%package libs
Summary: Ext2/3/4 filesystem-specific shared libraries
Group: Development/Libraries
License: GPLv2 and LGPLv2
Requires: libcom_err = %{version}-%{release}
%description libs
E2fsprogs-libs contains libe2p and libext2fs, the libraries of the
e2fsprogs package.
These libraries are used to directly acccess ext2/3/4 filesystems
from userspace.
%package devel
Summary: Ext2/3/4 filesystem-specific static libraries and headers
Group: Development/Libraries
License: GPLv2 and LGPLv2
Provides: %{name}-static = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: e2fsprogs-libs = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: libcom_err-devel = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: gawk
Requires: pkgconfig
Requires(post): info
Requires(preun): info
%description devel
E2fsprogs-devel contains the libraries and header files needed to
develop second, third and fourth extended (ext2/ext3/ext4)
filesystem-specific programs.
You should install e2fsprogs-devel if you want to develop ext2/3/4
filesystem-specific programs. If you install e2fsprogs-devel, you'll
also want to install e2fsprogs.
%package -n libcom_err
Summary: Common error description library
Group: Development/Libraries
License: MIT
%description -n libcom_err
This is the common error description library, part of e2fsprogs.
libcom_err is an attempt to present a common error-handling mechanism.
%package -n libcom_err-devel
Summary: Common error description library
Group: Development/Libraries
License: MIT
Provides: libcom_err-static = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: libcom_err = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: pkgconfig
%description -n libcom_err-devel
This is the common error description development library and headers,
part of e2fsprogs. It contains the compile_et commmand, used
to convert a table listing error-code names and associated messages
messages into a C source file suitable for use with the library.
libcom_err is an attempt to present a common error-handling mechanism.
%package -n libss
Summary: Command line interface parsing library
Group: Development/Libraries
License: MIT
Requires: libcom_err = %{version}-%{release}
%description -n libss
This is libss, a command line interface parsing library, part of e2fsprogs.
This package includes a tool that parses a command table to generate
a simple command-line interface parser, the include files needed to
compile and use it, and the static libs.
It was originally inspired by the Multics SubSystem library.
%package -n libss-devel
Summary: Command line interface parsing library
Group: Development/Libraries
License: MIT
Provides: libss-static = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: libss = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: pkgconfig
%description -n libss-devel
This is the command line interface parsing (libss) development library
and headers, part of e2fsprogs. It contains the mk_cmds command, which
parses a command table to generate a simple command-line interface parser.
It was originally inspired by the Multics SubSystem library.
xzcat '%{SOURCE0}' | %{gpgverify} --keyring='%{SOURCE2}' --signature='%{SOURCE1}' --data=-
%setup -q
%patch0 -p1
# Remove flawed tests
rm -rf tests/m_rootdir_acl
%global _udevdir /etc/udev/rules.d
%configure CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing" \
--enable-elf-shlibs --enable-nls --disable-uuidd --disable-fsck \
--disable-e2initrd-helper --disable-libblkid --disable-libuuid \
--enable-quota --with-root-prefix=/usr --with-crond-dir=no \
LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-z,relro"
make %{?_smp_mflags}
rm -rf %{buildroot}
export PATH=/sbin:$PATH
make install install-libs DESTDIR=%{buildroot} INSTALL="%{__install} -p" \
root_sbindir=%{_root_sbindir} root_libdir=%{_root_libdir}
# ugly hack to allow parallel install of 32-bit and 64-bit -devel packages:
%define multilib_arches %{ix86} x86_64 ppc ppc64 s390 s390x sparcv9 sparc64
%ifarch %{multilib_arches}
mv -f %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/ext2fs/ext2_types.h \
install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/ext2fs/ext2_types.h
# Hack for now, otherwise strip fails.
chmod +w %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*.a
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/e2scrub.conf
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_root_sbindir}/e2scrub
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_root_sbindir}/e2scrub_all
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/e2scrub.8*
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/e2scrub_all.8*
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/e2fsprogs/e2scrub_fail
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_udevdir}/96-e2scrub.rules
%find_lang %{name}
make check
rm -rf %{buildroot}
%post libs -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun libs -p /sbin/ldconfig
%post devel
# Test for file; if installed with --excludedocs it may not be there
if [ -f %{_infodir}/libext2fs.info.gz ]; then
/sbin/install-info %{_infodir}/libext2fs.info.gz %{_infodir}/dir || :
%preun devel
if [ $1 = 0 -a -f %{_infodir}/libext2fs.info.gz ]; then
/sbin/install-info --delete %{_infodir}/libext2fs.info.gz %{_infodir}/dir || :
exit 0
%post -n libcom_err -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun -n libcom_err -p /sbin/ldconfig
%post -n libss -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun -n libss -p /sbin/ldconfig
%files -f %{name}.lang
%config(noreplace) /etc/mke2fs.conf
%files libs
%files devel
%files -n libcom_err
%files -n libcom_err-devel
%files -n libss
%files -n libss-devel
* Fri Feb 14 2018 Lukas Czerner <lczerner@redhat.com> 1.41.12-24
- libext2fs: skip start_blk adjustment when stride and flex_bg is set (#1474179)
- resize2fs: create optimized flex_bg block groups (#1474179)
* Mon Aug 29 2016 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.12-23
- e2image: check return value from check_if_mounted() (#1139936)
- e2fsck: do not process impossibly large dir blocks (#1297694)
- resize2fs: fix off-line resize of file systems (#1285227)
* Thu Jun 04 2015 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.12-22
- e2fsck: fix last mount time and last write time in preen mode (#1218262)
- e2fsck: don't prompt for time fixes with accept_time_fudge (#1218262)
* Fri Jun 27 2014 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.12-21
- Fix previously undetected directory corruption in e2fsck (#1112242)
* Tue May 13 2014 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.12-20
- Disallow e2image on rw-mounted fs w/o force flag (#1097061)
* Mon Apr 18 2014 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.12-19
- Fix for some resize2fs corruptions (#1036122)
- Allow tune2fs to remove a dirty journal with -ff (#1040122)
- Add enable_periodic_fsck to mke2fs.conf (#1052409)
- Disallow too-high revision during mke2fs (#1093446)
* Mon Aug 12 2013 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.12-18
- Fix e2fsck false positive when blocks exist past EOF (#994615)
- Fix resize2fs shrink corruption when moving files with many extents (#873201)
* Wed Jun 26 2013 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.12-16
- Fix resize2fs shrink when flex bitmaps are beyond end of fs (#974975)
* Thu Jun 06 2013 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.12-15
- Enhance e2fsck detection of invalid extent trees (#922847)
- Several filefrag fixes (#927541)
- Clear errors stored in superblock by newer kernels (#895679)
- Fix journal superblock error handling (#885083)
* Fri Oct 12 2012 Lukas Czerner <lczerner@redhat.com> 1.41.12-14
- remove EXT4_EOFBLOCKS_FL flag handling (#858338)
- add new test f_eofblocks (#858338)
* Fri Oct 12 2012 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.12-13
- Fix mke2fs -S on uninit_bg fs (#806137)
- Make it harder to damage fs by fscking while mounted (#824126)
- Update resize2fs manpage to include ext4 online resizing (#813820)
* Fri Mar 02 2012 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.12-12
- Fix spurious e2fsck checksum errors when -b option is used (#786021)
- Fix bugs related to e2fsck -E discard (#795846)
* Wed Sep 14 2011 Lukas Czerner <lczerner@redhat.com> 1.41.12-11
- fix invalid lseek error detection in e2image (#732940)
* Fri Aug 12 2011 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.12-10
- build with partial relro support (#730083)
* Wed Jun 15 2011 Lukas Czerner <lczerner@redhat.com> 1.41.12-9
- e2image: Add support for exporting image in qcow2 format (#713468)
- mke2fs: Skip inode table initialization on some discardable devices (#713475)
- mke2fs: Add -E discard/nodiscard options (#713475)
- mke2fs: Allow to specify discard option in mke2fs.conf (#713475)
- e2fsck: Allow to discard free data and inode blocks in e2fsck (#713475)
- mke2fs: Show discard progress (#713475)
- Don't attempt to discard flash device if -n option is given (#713475)
* Mon May 23 2011 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.12-8
- e2fsck: don't clone dup xattr blocks in fs without xattr feat (#676465)
- Allow specification of default mntopts in superblock (#679892)
- Handle devices with large physical blocksizes (#679931)
- Fix some typos in man pages (#683906)
* Thu Mar 3 2011 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.12-7
- Add explicit dependencies between subpackages (#599338)
* Wed Dec 22 2010 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.12-6
- Fix 16T boundary conditions in resize2fs (#654093)
* Wed Dec 15 2010 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.12-5
- Fix incorrect filefrag counts (#653234)
- Fix type punning warnings (#599338)
* Tue Oct 26 2010 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.12-4
- Fix badblocks device size check at 16T (#631593)
- Fix mkfs.ext4 -G 2147483648 hang (#643390)
* Tue Jul 20 2010 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.12-3
- Relax resize2fs -P requirements (#614220)
* Wed May 19 2010 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.12-2
- Fix fsck thinko in 1.41.12 release (#593133)
* Tue May 18 2010 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.12-1
- New upstream (bugfix) release (#593133)
* Mon Apr 26 2010 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.10-6
- Don't trim intentional blocks past EOF (#586138)
* Wed Mar 15 2010 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.10-5
- Completely drop the misalignment question in mkfs (#573720)
* Tue Mar 02 2010 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.10-4
- Don't ask for confirmation of misaligned mkfs with -F (#569849)
* Wed Feb 24 2010 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.10-3
- Fix stray comment in %post
* Wed Feb 24 2010 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.10-2
- Fix potential corruption with e2fsck -fD (#568073)
* Thu Feb 11 2010 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.10-1
- New upstream release (#562936)
* Tue Jan 26 2010 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.9-9
- Turn make check back on
- Fix ldopen issue in debugfs for newer readline
- Fix resize2fs access past end of array
* Tue Nov 10 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.9-8
- Fix up topology patch to build w/ new util-linux-ng
- Fix endian swapping of backup journal blocks in sb
* Tue Nov 10 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.9-7
- Re-enable "make check" during build
* Wed Oct 28 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.9-6
- Add support for block discard (TRIM) at mkfs time
- Add support for new blkid topology awareness
* Mon Oct 19 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.9-5
- Allow superblock timestamp differences up to 24h (#522969)
* Tue Oct 06 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.9-4
- Fix install with --excludedocs (#515987)
* Thu Sep 14 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.9-3
- Drop defrag bits for now, not ready yet.
* Thu Sep 10 2009 Josef Bacik <josef@toxicpanda.com> 1.41.9-2
- Fix resize -m bug with flexbg (#519131)
* Sun Aug 23 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.9-1
- New upstream release
* Fri Aug 05 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.8-6
- Fix filefrag in fallback case
- Add e2freefrag & e4defrag (experimental)
* Sun Jul 26 2009 Karel Zak <kzak@redhat.com> 1.41.8-5
- disable fsck (replaced by util-linux-ng)
* Sat Jul 25 2009 Karel Zak <kzak@redhat.com> 1.41.8-4
- disable libuuid and uuidd (replaced by util-linux-ng)
* Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.41.8-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
* Fri Jul 17 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.8-2
- Address some package review concerns (#225714)
* Sun Jul 12 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.8-1
- New upstream version, several resize fixes.
* Tue Jun 30 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.7-1
- New upstream version
* Fri Jun 26 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.6-6
- Split out sub-libraries (#225406)
- Don't start uuidd by default
* Thu Jun 18 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.6-5
- Update journal backup blocks in sb after resize (#505339)
- Fix memory leak in extent handling functions
- Fix bug in inode writing in extent code, clobbered i_extra_isize etc
* Mon Jun 8 2009 Karel Zak <kzak@redhat.com> 1.41.6-4
- set BuildRequires: libblkid-devel (from util-linux-ng)
* Mon Jun 8 2009 Karel Zak <kzak@redhat.com> 1.41.6-3
- temporary use BuildRequires: e2fsprogs-devel (we cannot install
new util-linux-ng with libblkid to buildroots without new e2fsprogs
without libblkid).
* Thu Jun 4 2009 Karel Zak <kzak@redhat.com> 1.41.6-2
- disable libblkid (replaced by libblkid from util-linux-ng)
* Sat May 30 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.6-1
- New upstream version
* Fri Apr 24 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.5-1
- New upstream version
* Wed Apr 22 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.4-8
- Fix support for external journals
* Wed Apr 22 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.4-7
- Fix ext4 resize issues (#496982)
* Sat Apr 11 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.4-6
- ignore differing NEEDS_RECOVERY flag on fsck post-resize (#471925)
* Thu Feb 26 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.4-5
- fix a couple missed descriptions; obsolete e4fsprogs
* Thu Feb 26 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.4-4
- Edit summary & description to include ext4 (#487469)
- Fix blkid null ptr deref in initrd (#486997)
* Tue Feb 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.41.4-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
* Thu Jan 29 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.4-2
- Fix debugfs "stat" segfault if no open fs (#482894)
- Fix name of libext2fs info page (#481620)
* Thu Jan 29 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.4-1
- New upstream release
- Dropped btrfs & resize fixes, upstream now
* Tue Jan 20 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.3-4
- resize2fs fixes, esp. for ext4
* Sat Jan 10 2009 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.3-3
- Remove conservative "don't change journal location" patch for F11
- Add btrfs recognition to blkid
* Mon Oct 03 2008 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.3-2
- Bump to revision 2, f10 was behind f9, oops.
* Mon Oct 03 2008 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.3-1
- New upstream version (very minor fixes, ext4-related)
* Thu Oct 02 2008 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.2-2
- Fix blkid to recognize ext4dev filesystems as ext4-mountable
* Thu Oct 02 2008 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.2-1
- New upstream version
- Updated default dir hash (half_md4) for better perf & fewer collisions
- Fixed ext4 online resizing with flex_bg
- ext4 journal now in extents format and in middle of filesystem
- fix unreadable e2image files
- fix file descriptor leak in libcom_err (#464689)
* Sat Aug 23 2008 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.0-2
- Don't check the group checksum when !GDT_CSUM (#459875)
* Thu Jul 10 2008 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41.0-1
- New upstream version
- ext4 capable
* Mon Jul 07 2008 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41-0.2.WIP.0707
- Fix release macro snafu
* Mon Jul 07 2008 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41-0.1.WIP.0707
- New upstream snapshot release
* Fri Jun 20 2008 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41-0.WIP.0617.1
- Fix blkid -g segfault when clearing entries (#452333)
* Wed Jun 18 2008 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.41-0.WIP.0617
- New upstream snapshot release for ext4 capability
* Wed Jun 04 2008 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.10-3
- Tidy up multilib hack for non-multilib arches (#446016)
- Fix up postun script (#449868)
* Wed Jun 04 2008 Dennis Gilmore <dennis@ausil.us> 1.40.10-2
- setup header support for sparc
* Fri May 23 2008 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.10-1
- New upstream version
- Fixes unprivileged blkid use problem (#448591)
* Mon May 12 2008 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.9-2
- Fix blkid swap recognition on big-endian boxes (#445786)
* Sun Apr 27 2008 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.9-1
- New upstream version
* Fri Mar 14 2008 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.8-2
- Update ext2fs_swap_inode_full() fix to match upstream
- Check more of swapv1 header in blkid detection (#442937)
* Fri Mar 14 2008 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.8-1
- New upstream version
* Mon Mar 03 2008 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.7-2
- second try at fixing resize2fs vs. large inodes... (#434893)
* Fri Feb 29 2008 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.7-1
- New upstream version, special leap-day edition
- Fix resize2fs losing inline xattrs when shrinking (#434893)
and add patch to fix swap_inode_full in this case
- Allow mke2fs & tune2fs to manipulate large_file feature (#258381)
- Handle lvm error conditions in libblkid (#433857)
- Allow tune2fs to clear the resize_inode feature (#167816)
- Teach blkid to detect LVM2 physical volumes (#409321)
- Show "mostly printable" xattrs as text in debugfs (#430621)
- Trimmed pre-1.38 rpm changelog entries
* Sun Feb 10 2008 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.6-1
- New upstream version
* Fri Feb 08 2008 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.5-2
- gcc-4.3 rebuild
* Mon Jan 28 2008 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.5-1
- New upstream version, drop several now-upstream patches.
* Thu Jan 24 2008 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.4-7
- Fix sb flag comparisons properly this time (#428893)
- Make 256-byte inodes for the [default] mkfs case.
This will facilitate upgrades to ext4 later, and help xattr perf.
* Wed Jan 23 2008 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.4-6
- Completely clobber e2fsck.static build.
* Wed Jan 23 2008 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.4-5
- Ignore some primary/backup superblock flag differences (#428893)
- Teach libblkid about ext4dev.
* Mon Jan 10 2008 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.4-4
- Build e2fsck as a dynamically linked binary.
- Re-fix uidd manpage default paths.
* Tue Jan 09 2008 Eric Sandeen <sandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.4-3
- New uuidd subpackage, and properly set up uuidd at install.
* Tue Jan 01 2008 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.4-2
- Add new uidd files to specfile
* Tue Jan 01 2008 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.4-1
- New upstream version, drop several now-upstream patches.
* Tue Jan 01 2008 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.2-15
- Drop resize_inode removal patch from tune2fs; ostensibly was
for old kernels which could not mount, but seems to be fine.
- Drop pottcdate removal patch, and don't rebuild .po files,
causes multilib problems and we generally shouldn't rebuild.
- Drop multilib patch; wrapper header should take care of this now.
- Drop ->open rename, Fedora seems ok with this now.
* Tue Dec 11 2007 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.2-14
- Fix integer overflows (#414591 / CVE-2007-5497)
* Tue Dec 4 2007 Stepan Kasal <skasal@redhat.com> 1.40.2-13
- The -devel package now requires device-mapper-devel, to match
the dependency in blkid.pc (#410791)
* Tue Nov 27 2007 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.2-12
- Use upstream patch for blkid fat detection, avoids div-by-zero
when encountering some BSD partitions (#398281)
* Tue Oct 23 2007 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.2-11
- Add arm to multilib header wrapper
* Sat Oct 20 2007 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.2-10
- Make (more) file timestamps match those in tarball for multilib tidiness
- Fix e2fsprogs-libs summary (shared libs not static)
* Tue Oct 15 2007 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.2-9
- Detect big-endian squashfs filesystems in libblkid (#305151)
* Tue Oct 02 2007 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.2-8
- Detect squashfs filesystems in libblkid (#305151)
* Tue Sep 18 2007 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.2-7
- Fix blkid fat probe when there is a real MBR (#290951)
* Tue Sep 18 2007 Oliver Falk <oliver@linux-kernel.at> 1.40.2-6
- Add alpha to the header wrappers
* Fri Sep 07 2007 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.2-5
- wrap a couple headers to fix multilib issues (#270441)
* Wed Aug 29 2007 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.2-4
- add gawk to e2fsprogs-devel Requires, compile_et needs it (#265961)
* Thu Aug 23 2007 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.2-3
- Update license tags
- Fix one open-create caller with no mode
- Protect ->open ops from glibc open-create-mode-checker
- Fix source URL
- Add gawk to BuildRequires
* Wed Jul 18 2007 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.2-2
- Fix bug in ext2fs_swap_inode_full() on big-endian boxes
* Tue Jul 17 2007 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.40.2-1
- New version 1.40.2
- Fix up warning in badblocks
* Mon Jun 25 2007 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.39-15
- Fix up .po files to remove timestamps; multilib issues (#245653)
* Fri Jun 22 2007 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.39-14
- Many coverity-found potential leaks, segfaults, etc (#239354)
- Fix debugfs segfaults when no fs open (#208416, #209330)
- Avoid recursive loops in logdump due to symlinks in /dev (#210371)
- Don't write changes to the backup superblocks by default (#229561)
- Correct byteswapping for fast symlinks with xattrs (#232663)
- e2fsck: added sanity check for xattr validation (#230193)
* Wed Jun 20 2007 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.39-13
- add dist tag to release field
* Wed Jun 20 2007 Eric Sandeen <esandeen@redhat.com> 1.39-12
- add LUKS support to libblkid (#242421)
* Fri Feb 23 2007 Karsten Hopp <karsten@redhat.com> 1.39-11
- fix post/preun requirements
- use smp flags
* Mon Feb 05 2007 Alasdair Kergon <agk@redhat.com> - 1.39-10
- Add build dependency on new device-mapper-devel package.
* Mon Dec 25 2006 Thomas Woerner <twoerner@redhat.com> - 1.39-9
- build fixes for new automake 1.10 (#220715)
* Mon Dec 18 2006 Thomas Woerner <twoerner@redhat.com> - 1.39-8
- make uuid_generate_time generate unique uuids (#218606)
* Wed Sep 20 2006 Jarod Wilson <jwilson@redhat.com> - 1.39-7
- 32-bit 16T fixups from esandeen (#202807)
- Update summaries and descriptions
* Sun Sep 17 2006 Karel Zak <kzak@redhat.com> - 1.39-6
- Fix problem with empty FAT label (#206656)
* Tue Sep 5 2006 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 1.39-5
- Fix memory leak in device probing.
* Mon Jul 24 2006 Thomas Woerner <twoerner@redhat.com> - 1.39-4
- fixed multilib devel conflicts (#192665)
* Thu Jul 20 2006 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com> - 1.39-3
- prevent libblkid returning /dev/dm-X
* Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 1.39-2.1
- rebuild
* Mon Jul 10 2006 Karel Zak <kzak@redhat.com> - 1.39-2
- add GFS abd GFS2 support to libblkid
* Thu Jul 6 2006 Thomas Woerner <twoerner@redhat.com> - 1.39-1
- new version 1.39
- dropped ext2online, because resize2fs is now able to do online resize
- spec file cleanup
- enabled checks for build
* Tue Jun 13 2006 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com> - 1.38-15
- prevent libblkid returning /dev/dm-X
- fix build
* Tue Mar 21 2006 Karel Zak <kzak@redhat.com> - 1.38-14
- prevent error messages to stderr caused by libblkid calling libdevmapper
* Mon Mar 13 2006 Karel Zak <kzak@redhat.com> - 1.38-13
- used upstream version of the blkid-epoch patch (by Theodore Tso, #182188)
* Wed Mar 8 2006 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 1.38-12
- Move /etc/blkid.tab to /etc/blkid/blkid.tab
* Tue Mar 7 2006 David Cantrell <dcantrell@redhat.com> - 1.38-11
- BuildRequires pkgconfig
* Tue Mar 7 2006 David Cantrell <dcantrell@redhat.com> - 1.38-10
- Disable /etc/blkid.tab caching if time is set before epoch (#182188)
* Fri Feb 24 2006 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 1.38-9
- _don't_ handle selinux context on blkid.tab, dwalsh says this is a no-no.
* Wed Feb 22 2006 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 1.38-8
- handle selinux context on blkid.tab
* Mon Feb 20 2006 Karsten Hopp <karsten@redhat.de> 1.38-7
- BuildRequires: gettext-devel
* Fri Feb 10 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 1.38-6.2
- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)
* Tue Feb 7 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 1.38-6.1
- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes
* Wed Jan 11 2006 Karel Zak <kzak@redhat.com> 1.38-6
- cleanup device-mapper patch
- use pkg-config for device-mapper
* Mon Jan 9 2006 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> 1.38-5
- fix some more minor logic errors in dm probing
* Wed Jan 4 2006 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> 1.38-4
- fix a logic error in dm probing
- add priority group for dm devices, so they'll be preferred
* Tue Jan 3 2006 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> 1.38-3
- added support for device-mapper devices
* Fri Dec 9 2005 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com>
- rebuilt
* Thu Nov 10 2005 Thomas Woerner <twoerner@redhat.com> 1.38-2.1
- fixed file conflicts between 32bit and 64bit packages (#168815)
- fixed mklost+found crashes with buffer overflow (#157773)
Thanks to Arjan van de Ven for the patch
* Wed Nov 9 2005 Thomas Woerner <twoerner@redhat.com> 1.38-2
- splitted up libs from main package, into a new e2fsprogs-libs package
- fixed requires and prereqs
* Thu Sep 8 2005 Thomas Woerner <twoerner@redhat.com> 1.38-1
- new version 1.38
- Close File descriptor for unregognized devices (#159878)
Thanks to David Milburn for the patch.
Merged from RHEL-4
- enable tune2fs to set and clear feature resize_inode (#167816)
- removed outdated information from ext2online man page (#164383)